Thursday, September 26, 2013

From "The Amulet" to "Fort River Today"

The Tribe had Jack & Ellie's "Amulet," a newspaper they produced about the city that was distributed far beyond the Mall. Their newspaper provided an important service & was vital in making all the kids in different tribes throughout the city feel they were parts of a greater whole.

In KTDA, we have Fort River Today, a newspaper put out clandestinely by underground kids so they can tell the city The Truth without suffering harm because of it. This is also a great way to summarize current game "action" & keep everyone on the same page moving forward. All the newspapers are archived in our "Files" section & available for review by all our players at any time.

Here's a sample of our tip-of-the-hat to The Tribe.
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Fort River Today
For the Citizens of Fort River, from "Team Bob"
Season 7, Issue 3

Fort River drenched in blood!

STOP IT, PEOPLE! This insanity is gonna rip us apart! Yesterday Fort River say its bloodiest day in a long time.

Lynching on Merchant Street! - Vigilantes who seem to be running the city lately hauled some poor kid out in public, called him a murderer, then lynched him in front of about 100 people! I was able to find out the kid's name, Kurt. Sounds like he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. From my interviews, the poor guy didn't kill anybody. I heard he left a younger sister alone somewhere in the city. We hope she's okay.

Riot Deaths! - The riot started right after the lynching. Next I knew everybody was fighting! But there were plenty of people trying to stop it even if Urick was a no-show. Marionette & Villa, who run security for Val, plowed into the rioters in a car! Valentine & Vincent were protecting her new indoor market and the traders there. Oliver took down at least 2 of the vigilantes responsible for the lynching. Even Rio was trying to calm things down. To each and every person who tried to help, thanks for lending a hand.

A lot of kids were wounded. I talked to people at the City Clinic where most of the injured kids went. Medics from The 100 were there helping out. Tristan & Cecily made sure the clinic had enough supplies. We also heard some wounded went to Peachtree Mall for care. To Blasko and his tribe, you did a good thing. Thanks.

Tribal Slaughter! - The riot was part of some city-wide madness. In alleys off north River Road near Blood's Bar, the Vamp Tribe squared off with some of their enemies. They lost! Everybody at the scene was dead. Every one of them was a Vamp.

We were tipped off that whoever fought the Vamps actually started the riot to keep eyes away from the north end of the city!

We got people looking for survivors or clues to who took the Vamps out.


GOLDEN ABYSS DELAYED. Tristan has put off opening his fight club indefinitely. I think that's wrong! Maybe if we'd had a club where people could get aggressions out, maybe this insanity wouldn't blow up in the streets. Think about it, guy.

MIRAGE CLOSED! If you were in the crowd outside Mirage last night, you know that Valentine locked the place down. We hope neither her or Vincent got hurt in the riot.

RESURRECTION? I was there. Ace was D-E-A-D in the Library in a pool of blood. Now reports are he was seen walking around town? Don't believe every rumor you hear.

BREAK-INS ON GOODMOTE. We're still hearing about thugs breaking into apartments on Goodmote Road. Kids over there are locking up and finding ways to protect themselves. That's about all you can do.


I'm really trying to keep my cool here but it's hard, watching as this city goes farther in the toilet. It's got to stop before we go back to the way things were right after the Virus. So this is an open letter to our so-called "Police Chief" Urick of The 100.
Is your head up your ass???

Lynching, rioting, tribes getting massacred, petty thefts and break-ins - if this is the way you control bad elements in the city and make it safe for the rest of it, forget it. You got no place taking that kind of authority when you don't DO anything significant.

As of now, I say Fort River is wide open. We got no security OF ANY KIND. Urick is no police chief. You're better off hanging with crazy-ass Villa! We're on our own, guys and girls. Do what you have to. If that means picking up a weapon and defending what you got, so be it. Find some strong friends or hire a bodyguard if you've got the scratch. You sure as hell can't depend on a man named Urick who doesn't even show up.


Another week has rolled around. Time for Market Day out at Tango Lake. OK, so Val opened up a really great indoor market for the city. But Market Day means we get traders from all over the region, with produce and goods you just can't get in the city these days. So head out to Tango Lake and see what they got. It runs from sun-up to sundown. We'll see you out there.


Crazy Gypsy Chick is back. Here's her latest:  Morning fog has been kind of heavy lately, and yes the dew lays down thick. But in case you haven't noticed, there's been no rain for more than 2 weeks. Check your fresh water. You might want to start stocking up.

Thanks, Rio, for the electricity! You rock!


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

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