Thursday, August 28, 2008

Unplugged! - "Zoot Lives! Award"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

Zoot Lives! Award

Whoever had the idea to kill the character of Zoot off early in Season-1 of "The Tribe" -- bad move, my friends. Very bad move. Every successful drama absolutely cries out for an evil genius, a mastermind that makes you hiss 'n boo & secretly be anxious to see what they're gonna do next. Fortunately, "Tribe" writers knew better than to leave a good villain down. There were all kinds of ways to bring back our boy Zoot. Season-2 we had flashbacks to Martin & Zoot's beginnings. Season-3 we had the Zootists & their insane visions. Season-5 gave us computer-Zoot who was probably more terrifying than the real thing. Yep. Definitely can't keep a good bad-guy down.

For our "evil genius" award, there was VERY heavy debate ending in a split decision among those unlikeliest of brothers, TRISTAN & BLASKO. Blasko continues to serve up his special brand of evil geniusness in the guise of "good of the people." I mean, c'mon - this guy has his soldiers cleaning out alleys & cleaning up playgrounds & giving away food to hungry kids. That has to be good...right? Umm...right? And then there's his brother Tristan. He's definitely all over the place, especially now that he has a wife & a business & new projects presenting themselves every day. We've seen some of his seemingly mad plans completed & it gets kinda chilling when you think about what the future could hold. We don't know what's coming next from either of these brothers, but it's bound to be earth-shaking.


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Unplugged! - "Zoot & Ebony Award"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

Zoot & Ebony Award

Was there any Tribe couple crazier than Ebony & Zoot? I don't think so. Just mentioning their names together calls up images - some we actually saw in Season-1 (or Season-2 flashbacks) and some we only imagined! Wild, crazy, unpredictable and potentially deadly.

Instead of Ebony & Zoot, KTDARPG has VILLA & MARIONETTE. They aren't power-hungry but very much crazy & unpredictable. The one way in which they stand apart from E&Z is pretty important: our craziest game couple actually love each other. That continually strikes all of us as pretty amazing.


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Unplugged! - "Trudy Award"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

Trudy Award

Her's was one of the first faces we became familiar with on "The Tribe." Trudy had lots of firsts on the show - first pregnancy, first flashback (to a last day with her parents), first (and only) character whose home we got to see, first girl to be seen in Bray's company ... but for this award, we're focused on how resilient she was. Trudy always bounced back! Trudy & Zoot? Zoot died. Trudy & the Chosen? She finally got kicked out as Supreme Mother and her tribe took her back. Trudy & Jay? That boy was totally whacked! Trudy & Mega? Yeah, that one was just bad judgment PLUS the boy played her big time.

So from KTDARPG, winning Trudy's "I made mistakes but can't we just get past it?" award, we congratulate LADY ARIANNA. Just like Trudy, Ari has pretty much been through the ringer since our game season-1. Most recently, she lost a man she really cared about over something that couldn't be helped. Because no matter what, Ari has her own sense of fairness & her own brand of justice. In this case, we're convinced this one was Scarecrow's loss because no matter what, our Arianna will always land on her feet. In this crazy pre-Virus New World, Arianna is one of the strong ones.


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

Monday, August 25, 2008

Unplugged! - "Tribe Style Award"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

Tribe Style Award

"The Tribe" was very well known for its style! It had to be on television because no way would we have got the full effect of their wild colors, clothes, makeup, rituals & lifetyles any other way. From Zoot's flashy police-car class to those singing Jackal girls (whose names I can never remember) to the Demon Dogs, Gulls, Chosen, Technos, etc., etc.

In our game, our players do their best to create specific styles for their characters, tribes and living quarters. Val has the flashiest casino going. The River Rats live in renovated condos. The Misfits have a huge, well-equipped warehouse protected by an electrified fence. Ace and Jackie have their magick tricks. But when it comes to true Tribe-style, the award was handed to JET. Jet is leader of the (now extinct) Vamp Tribe, and she lives up to her responsibilities in true "tribe style." This girl is New World Goth all the way, and that's part of her charm as well as part of the fun.


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Unplugged! - "Tribe Flashback Award"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

Tribe Flashback Award

"The Tribe" Season-2 was filled with flashbacks - what Martin was like when he was just Bray's younger brother, before he became Zoot; how Ebony played off one brother then the other, a game at which Trudy was pretty good too; what Lex endured in the military-style training camps, and how he & Ryan became friends; how Zoot rose to power & tried to train Ebony if she wanted to be "his woman"; how Joffa became the Guardian. The details & color these flashbacks added to the tapestry of Tribe-world was amazing.

TRISTAN has been using the art of the flashback to very good effect in our game. Bit by bit, we're learning about the past of the Harbingers, now called "The 100," and the heir who lost a kingdom because of one girl. We're also learning in incredible detail what made Tristan the man he is today. This is the kind of thought-provoking, disturbing & totally believable character development that really adds all kinds of shades of gray & depth to our game-world and our game. Very nicely done.


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Unplugged! - "Tribe Circus Award"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.


During "The Tribe" Season-1, Tribe Circus was really something special. Acrobats, singers, impersonators, fire-eaters - they took the "circus" part quite seriously. When this tribe was around you didn't know whether it was entertainment for fun or if there was something dark and dangerous come to call. When Tribe Circus invaded the mall and caged the Mallrats, it was beyond creepy.

But the cirus aspect, that was fun. And our game got a bit of that when ALICE showed up at home. Alice is a street girl & very entertaining! Her street theater demo was way cool! We hope we see more of her. It isn't often our Fort River kids get to have that kind of fun.


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

Friday, August 22, 2008

Unplugged! - "Top Hat Award"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

Top Hat Award

"Welcome back, my friends, to the show that never ends!"

Ok, my bad for the Emerson Lake & Palmer reference - but it fits! "The Tribe" Season-1 totally rocked with creating great tribes, and none more unique or bizarre than Tribe Circus led by Top Hat. The ultimate showman, he could even make a mall invasion & takeover look totally cool. His tribemates were performers, each one more unusual than the last ... and him the most unusual of all.

In our game, the award for showmanship goes to HELLSTORM. By day we know him as Vincent, Valentine's love & partner and a pretty damn strong vigilante in his own right. This man knows the diff between right & wrong and has the guts to back it up. At night, when he's on stage at the Mirage, Vincent "Hellstorm" totally rocks the house! He's even got his own groupies 'n everything. Definitely the ultimate rock star for the New Age.


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Unplugged! - "Taisan Award"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

Taisan Award

"Space cadet" was a favorite Season-1 name for the dark girl that came out of the woods bringing Cloe back to her tribe. Taisan seemed to know a lot, but she was also rather mysterious about it. She didn't want to share the formula for the Virus antedote when she recreated it from roots & herbs. She knew about chakras, tai chi chuan, harmony & how to reach out to the soul. She helped name the Mallrats; she helped Zandra realize her dream of marrying Lex. Over 3+ seasons, Taisan was anything but predictable.

The Council of Tribes was unanimous in selecting our current game mystery woman - ZOEY. She came out of nowhere. She seems to have almost mystical knowledge. The girl obviously has an agenda & we have absolutely no clue what that is. Something tells me it'll be fun finding out.


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Unplugged! - "Sasha Award"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

Sasha Award

Ok, I'll admit it. There were a lot of things I didn't like about the character of Sasha from Season-1, but we won't go there. I'll focus on something positive instead, which is what this award is about. Sasha brought laughter back to the Mallrats - clean fun & pure enjoyment. Music, dancing, singing, games ... things that were sorely needed, good for the spirit. In a world with precious little entertainment or diversion, Sasha brought that all back.

In our game, that distinction goes to JENNA & TELLER. Jenna is an old-school bard, traveling from place to place bringing news & stories of what's happening in the outside world. Without cell phones or radio or TV, there's not very much can serve that purpose except for good ol' human determination & the power of walking. Teller is what his name implies - a "teller" in the River Rats Tribe. His role is to teach new generations about their roots, their mistakes & their heroes. Lately he's been taking those stories to the streets of Fort River, because the River Rats are very much connected to the life of the city itself. Now our storytellers are in a friendly competition at Home, sharing stories for 5 nights with all who want to listen. Their storytelling is one of the few civilized forms of entertainment in Fort River these days. Definitely better than school for teaching history lessons!


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Unplugged! - "Salene Award #2"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

Salene Award #2

The character of Salene was known for her caring, warm approach to people. It made her ideal for tribe-life. It also left her open to be taken shameless advantage of, or to fall hard for something that wasn't necessarily true. Trudy took advantage early, using Salene as a built-in babysitter then being jealous of Salene because the baby responded better to her than its own mother. Salene fell hard for Bray, the conflicted lover. She was totally open to being influenced by the Chosen. Her kindness was her greatest strength ... and sometimes her greatest weakness.

In our game, ERIS has a lot of Sal-like qualities. She wants to help, needs to be of help - that's how she defines her role in life. No matter who's in trouble or in need, Eris seems to be right there to lend a hand. She has lots of friends, but it was Ace/Alister that she fell hard for. It wasn't really obvious that he returned her affections, no matter how much she wanted him to. Eris is a good soul...she deserves to be happy. Just as Salene deserved happiness.


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe

Monday, August 18, 2008

Unplugged! - "Salene Award #1"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

Salene Award #1

From the beginning, Salene was forever "tribe mom." Whether it was baby-Brady or any of the younger ones, she was always trying to take care of people. This is how Charlie & Mouse came to the Mallrats in Season-4. Salene found Mouse on the street & offered her a safe place to stay; then Charlie tagged alone.

In our game, a character who's getting a bit famous for bringing home strays is HAWK, the sometimes-tribe-leader of the River Rats. Most recently she brought home those loveable wilders Ulquiorra and Erin, introducing them to the city & to tribe life. It was a very Sal-thing to do.


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Unplugged! - "Ryan Award"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

Ryan Award

Every show needs a Ryan. His was the sweetest soul, almost innocent despite everything that happened to him. Too bad Salene never did really appreciate him until he was gone. Nobody seemed to appreciate our Ryan. He was kind-hearted, dependable, a stand-up friend that would do anything for the people he cared about. Lex was his best friend, and it seemed like Lex stabbed Ryan in the back every chance he got. Ryan got to marry the girl he loved...even if she didn't love him. He almost got to be a daddy too...before the Guardian made him disappear. We'll never know what happened to Ryan, but we hope he finally found the happiness he deserved.

Kind-hearted, dependable & a stand-up friend also describes 2 current KTDARPG characters. ICARUS came outa nowhere, got caught up in the Merchant Street riots & wound up protecting Jenna who hired him as her bodyguard. He's turned into a loyal friend who takes his job seriously. SABER also fits this bill quite nicely. Valentine has rarely known a truer friend than this skater 'n trader. Her kindness to those in need is legendary.


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "the Tribe"

Unplugged! - "Ruby & Slade Award"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

Ruby & Slade "One-Off" Award

It was spontaneous. Hot. Electric. It was part of what made "Tribe" Season-5 different - the chemistry between Slade & Ruby. She didn't play games. He said he didn't, right up until the next night when he wanted their one-off to be maybe a two-off ...

Our game's recent version of this very hot, one-off relationship goes to NYX & JOHNNY OHM. Johnny was disappointed with a girl and frustrated. Nyx was on the prowl, and he IS a good-looking guy. We can't say it made a whole lot of sense but when you're lonely, any port in a storm? Congrats, guys!


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

Friday, August 15, 2008

Unplugged! - "Ruby Award"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

Ruby Award

Ruby was "The Tribe"s ultimate businesswoman. She ran a clean hotel, served good meals, didn't water down the booze, and had enough muscle around to keep the trash out. She was smart, funny, shrewd, and realistic. In the crazy post-Virus world, she was one person who had truly gone on to make a life for herself. She had a home, a trade, a purpose...and a heart of gold. Ruby took in strays like Lottie & helped to feed and shelter refugees from the city that passed her way. She also wouldn't let Lex cheat them, no matter how hard he tried. Ruby's taste in men wasn't always the greatest but at least she'd found her way to move forward and build a future.

KTDARPG has its own version of Ruby in VALENTINE. After a couple of seasons now, Val has put together quite a business enterprise. She started with "Home," a safe & cozy place to rent a room, get a meal, and stay off the mean streets. Then she added "The Mirage" casino with a little boost from Ace & other friends. Any night its doors are open for good music, good company, a drink & a bit of gambling that is totally not rigged. Lately, Val has added her support to create a city Shelter for stray kids, a free Clinic for basic medical care, and an indoor Market so we don't have to wait for the traders' fair that only happens once a week. A home, a trade, a purpose, and also a heart of gold for the city's needy. We have to say that so far her taste in guys has been better than Ruby's. (hehehe...) Not bad for a girl from outa town who started out as an anarchist, hm?


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Unplugged! - "Pride Award"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

Pride Award

Pride was our roving Eco, a man of nature totally out of place in the steel & concrete of the city. He was also a lot more than that. He was kind to children. He kicked Lex's butt in a 1-on-1 fight. He was respected for his hunting & tracking skills, and was apparently in line to be the next Ecos Tribe Leader right beside, Eagle. That was his other natural talent - the ladies couldn't seem to leave the guy alone! Bray actually had the guts to ask Amber if the baby she was having was his or Pride's. Salene was totally smitten with him, and May was all over him.

In the natural talent department, our game has OLIVER. His strong point is the bow, no questions asked. What this guy aims at, he hits. The little bit else we know about him, he's also kind & funny & sort of a loner. He rescued Jazzy from the street riots & gave her a safe place to stay. He teases Amy the bartender at Home without mercy. He has friends ... but mostly he kinda keeps to himself. We don't exactly know if he has any of Pride's other talents, but Oliver's definitely a guy we want to know more about.


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Unplugged! - "Paul Award"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

Paul Award

We didn't know very much about Paul. He was Paty's brother, and he was only in the show for a few weeks in Season-1. He was also deaf & unable to speak, communicating by reading lips or using sign language. Paul was pretty much the only time "The Tribe" made a serious effort to show what a catastrophe could mean for a physically challenged kid. What we saw of Paul showed that he was just as much trouble as a regular kid. Mischievous, fun-loving, scared & trying to be brave - but we only knew him a little while before he "disappeared."

In our game-world, this different view of life is given to us by CHIDORI. A beautiful little girl with a troubled past & a wicked present, Chidori can't speak. Instead she makes beautiful drawings & finds other physical ways of expressing herself. She's linked to The 100 somehow, and to a very large gross man named Auron ... and that's pretty much what we know for now. It should be interesting as we find out more.


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Unplugged! - "Patsy Award"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

Patsy Award

From Season-1, Patsy was one of the little ones that challenged our perceptions of "kid." She cared for her hearing-/speech-impaired brother & mourned when he disappeared. Cloe was her best friend at a time when friends could help you stay alive. She had her own share of duties & was always a vital part of the team, especially as a babysitter after baby Brady was born to Trudy in the Mall. Patsy dreamed; she feared; she tried; she helped; she experimented; she was in a hurry to grow up & get a boyfriend. In other words, she was like a lot of people we know. She made mistakes, one of which led to the kidnap of Brady and propelled all of us into the Guardian & "Zootism" & Supreme Mother-ism.

In our game - a lot like Patsy, especially with his babysitting specialty - we have IZZY. Izzy is Misfit Tribe & he seems to be tribe leader Arianna's right arm when it comes to taking care of baby Saphire. And you know, Izzy seems good with that. He's not so worried that taking care of a baby threatens his status as "man of the tribe". He doesn't resent being left behind when Arianna is working at the city shelter or at her job at the Mirage. Another tribe member, Lily, is also out peddling ice & helping support the Misfits. If this is his appointed place for now, then Izzy is man enough for the job. Maybe just man enough to ensure this is one tribe baby who won't be kidnapped and start an earth-shattering incident. You're the man, Izzy!


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

Monday, August 11, 2008

Unplugged! - "Mouse Award"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

Mouse Award

From the moment she came on the scene in Season-4, Mouse was a gentle little girl with fire inside. She was fiercely loyal to her brother Charlie & devastated when he disappeared. Mouse transferred that loyalty to Sammy, trying desperately to protect him from himself when he got addicted to Paradise. This little girl endured a lot, even going up against Ved & the Technos to get food to Ellie when she was arrested and "sent away." Ultimately the city took all her young life had to give. Finally Salene gave in to Mouse's determination and took her to live with the Ecos where she could grow up safe & strong.

MAGGIE has Mouse's gentle soul. Despite a hard life we wouldn't want to wish on anyone, Maggie still focuses on others. She works at Home & helps out at the city shelter. She misses her young sister Kitty who disappeared ... We predict that somewhere there may be a warm fire burning inside this girl, something that still gives her hope in a world where we couldn't blame her for giving it up. You remain one of our favorite characters, girl. We've all got our fingers crossed that things turn around for you real soon.
Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "the Tribe"

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Unplugged! - "Locos Award"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

Locos Award

Zoot & his tribe the Locos were the baddest muthas in the city. He pretty much had one prime directive - the strong survive. To strengthen his tribe, Zoot went in for some pretty bizarre stuff. One thing stayed in your mind as it stayed in Ebony's, a nightmare that held her pretty tight. Zoot had locked her in a closet. He gave her a box, her "lunch" - a live mouse. She refused. He told her that Zoot's woman would never refuse.

Tristan must definitely be inspired by Zoot. To parallel Ebony's nightmare, CECILY takes the award for grossest moment in the game. Honestly, Tristan ... making the girl eat raw snake meat? AND telling her if she threw up, she'd have to eat that too? Jeez! Definitely Locos-worthy.


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

Friday, August 08, 2008

Unplugged! - "Lex & Taisan Award"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

Lex & Taisan Award

They were fated. From the first time Taisan went to Lex's bed "for the good of the tribe" & then he discovered he understood her less than ever ... it was fated. She didn't believe in marriage. Most of us would've sworn he didn't believe in love. Together they were strong. She brought out the best in him. Because of him, she resisted the lure of ultimate power as the Supreme Mother. Because of her, he risked everything the Technos could throw at him to find her. But there was one perfect romantic moment: when Lex humbly proposed marriage to her, and when she tearfully accepted.

JADE and ZERO came from very different places. She was a slave with no hope left. He was a ninja who'd lost his love & hardened himself to the future. Fate brought them together. For the sake of one he had lost, Zero made her strong & took away her fears, one by one. Jade gave him tenderness, trust, and her heart. When it seemed like fate or their own reluctance to believe would forever keep them apart... well, we hope that the fade-to-black scene meant that these two had one terrific & special honeymoon. They truly do deserve each other, and they deserve to finally find some happiness.


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Unplugged! - "Lex Award #2"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

Lex "Cover My Ass First" Award

Ahh, Lex. Our "sexy Lexy." He was most definitely practiced in the fine arts of "I didn't do it!", "It's not my fault!" and the ever-popular "I'll get somebody right on that!" I'd call it survival, in that screwed up post-Virus world. Whatever it takes. Even ridiculous costumes and fake mustaches so Ebony's & Java's crazy people won't realize who it was they'd thrown into their zoo-jail.

In our game it really looks like that roll falls to BLOOD. There's a little place called "Blood's Bar," but he doesn't own it ... but they kinda can't run it without his connections. He apparently had a sweet thing going with Jet, leader of the Vamp Tribe, and walked out on her ... AND believes whole-heartedly that she'll take him back? Hmm... Well if the bar is his life and his life is the bar (as he's been known to say), just like our Lexy, Blood has turned duck-n-cover into a fine art.


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Unplugged! - "Lex Award #1"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

Lex "When Law Enforcement Goes Wild" Award

One of the best things about Tribe Season-3 was Sheriff Lex. He went all out for this one - especially when he recruited deputies in velvet cat suits (aka the Mozzies). Lex definitely had his own ideas about a sheriff's duties. For example, he was more than willing to provide protection for the street vendors in town ... for a fee, of course. It didn't matter who was city leader. Even working for Ebony didn't present too much of a challenge. Lex was very good at combining his talent for finding money-making opportunities with his new civic responsibilities.

URICK wasn't exactly elected sheriff of Fort River. More like self-appointed, because a great interest of his tribe The 100 is keeping the peace & making the city a safer place. Pickpockets, break-ins, random fights & murders - there's so much to occupy a city sheriff's time. Can he help it if self-styled vigilantes decided to lynch a suspect in a rash of city murders? Fort River is a very big place - is it his fault that a small riot just happened to start on Merchant Street when he was someplace else? They just don't appreciate the pressures on you do they, Big Guy?


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

Unplugged! - "KC Award"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

KC Award

He'd sell you Zoot's goggles or a "diamond" ring. There was a great scene where he had Cloe & Patsy selling sunglasses for him - you trade one pair of sunglasses for one watch. Only, you really had to be sure the watches actually worked, girls! KC was a scoundrel or an entrepreneur, depending on your definition. He always had a scheme going. Seems his ingenuity really knew no bounds when it came to surviving.

It's been fun to watch LILY grow in that direction. One of the younger Misfits, Lily was in danger of going the same way as "teenage Cloe" - then Rio turned on the power in Fort River. Seems Lily knew just what to do. This girl found a way to make & sell ice during the hottest summer on record! Way to go, girl!


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Unplugged! - "Good of the Tribe Award"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

"Good of the Tribe" Award

A lot of things happen for the good of the tribe. Taisan "realigned Lex's chakras" to keep peace among her tribemates (and keep him from outright attacking Zandra). Bray risked death to tell the Mallrats to fight on against the Guardian. It's a definite rephrasing of "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one."

ACE knew that particular lesson very well and illustrated it again & again. There've been many "Ace" personas since the Virus; each one has died for a cause, usually the continuation of his tribe the Death Seekers. Our most recent "Ace" was Alister, the love of Eris's life. For the good of the Death Seekers as well as the city, he took on a no-win fight with Tristan & died gloriously. It was a helluva fight. When the dust settled, a new Ace took up where the old one left off. For the good of the tribe...


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

Monday, August 04, 2008

Unplugged! - "Ecos Award"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

Ecos Award

When "The Tribe" introduced the Gaians aka the Eco Tribe in Season-3, most of us wondered what took so long. It made sense that somewhere, someone decided back-to-nature was the way to go. There are a lot of memorable scenes from when Pride took Ebony, Lex, Bray & Dal to meet his tribe for the first time ... and their tribe leader "Eagle." But what we're focused on here is something Ebony said, about how good the Ecos ate "and not a tin-opener in sight."

In our game, the Ecos' way of life is mirrored in the EVANS FAMILY TRIBE. We don't know too much about them yet other than they came from another place, settled into the Agricultural Center & began to make things grow. Now they're out 'n about in Fort River giving away samples of what their farm can provide, working to be part of the life of the city and help by providing food for trade. It's good to know that "city kids" aren't all we have left.


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Unplugged! - "Ebony Award"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

Ebony Award

From Season-1, Ebony was the exotic one, the one nobody could predict or take for granted. Zoot showed her the meaning of strong & that she couldn't measure up because she wasn't willing to do "anything" without reservation. Without Zoot, this girl created her own definitions & followed her own passions. To hell with what anybody else thought. Tribe leader. City leader. Queen of the Technos or just a girl on the run with the man she loves ... Ebony was totally unique.

Ebony and BLACKROSE probably would've totally hated each other, mostly because they have so much in common. But Blackrose did Ebony one better - Blackrose is, indeed, willing to do anything to get what she wants or to protect who she loves. That love is Tristan, and Blackrose still tries her best to win him back though he's married & actively recruiting another beauty to his side. Like Ebony, Blackrose never gives up hope. Exotic beauty? Definitely. Unpredictable? Totally.


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

Saturday, August 02, 2008

Unplugged! - "Dal Award"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

Dal "Little Trees" Award

Dal was special. In the post-Virus world, all he wanted was to stay with Amber & have a little farm so he could raise food for everyone. He was easy to pass over because he didn't do big spectacular things. But he had a truly spectacular heart. He knew that oaks grew from acorns, that the smallest good deeds could have big effects. His small good deed - leading the Zootists away from Amber & the others trying to defeat the Guardian - led to his death. His dying words to Amber were a reminder about "little trees." He sometimes seemed the least of them, but his courage was undeniable.

Sometimes JADE reminds us of Dal. She yearns for simple things, somene to love, a life of helping others and just being happy. When she learned Zero was going to infiltrate Saint's slave operation, that Ace thought Zero'd probably die in the attempt, Jade volunteered herself in Zero's place. She escaped the horrors of slavery with Zero's help, yet she was willing to risk that horror again for love of him. That girl is stronger than she gives herself credit for.


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

Friday, August 01, 2008

Unplugged! - "Drunken-Bray Award"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

Drunken-Bray Award

Through the run of "The Tribe," Bray was usually the steady one, the one you counted on in a crisis. Whatever he felt, he generally kept it to himself & stayed strong for his friends. Then came Season-3 ... Trudy & a very pregnant Amber disappear. Everything Bray does to find them yields nothing. So what does he do? Our boy loses it. He goes walkabout. He winds up at a bar, drunk to the gills, hitting on every waitress or single girl in the place. He gets thrown out of the bar & is found by the Mozzies on the street, who kick the crap outa him. This is about as low as we've ever seen our hero. He's just in self-destruct mode.

Definitely reminded us of RIO. Rio's got it all. He's the power czar in Fort River since he found a way to get the hydroelectric power back on line. This guy wants for nothing ... so what does he do? He fights with the only friend he's really got (that would be Jenna) then proceeds to the nearest pub to drink, laugh, flirt & generally pretend nothing's wrong to anybody who'll listen. We think it can only get worse before it hopefully starts to get better.

Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"