Saturday, September 24, 2011


Tonight I was reading game posts & remembering moments from The Tribe that really stayed with me. That's the way I am, mostly. I'll watch a movie or a tv series or read a book, and it's like my brain sorts through the highlights & keeps them for my thinking pleasure. Here, I'll share.

A defining moment in Season-1 was when our Lex contracted the Virus. The panic. The desperation. The will to survive in the face of excruciating odds. That was when we really learned the truth about the Virus & what it could do to a person.

Maybe that's it with me--it's the life & death moments that stand out starkly in my mind. In Season-2 it was always the look on Ebony's face as the car pushed & pushed & pushed her into the water off the pier...and maybe to her death.

It was the same with Season-3. A hugely powerful scene was Dal's funeral, but most especially when Jack stopped by the grave to have last words with his old friend before he left the city for parts unknown. Jack was so vulnerable in those moments. Impressive...

Season-4 gave us the Technos. Do you remember your first glimpse of them? Whether it was the plane scene or the trucks or the troops on the ground, the sight of Jay in full Techno gear stayed with me throughout the rest of that season.

Season-5 there were a lot of stark truths. One of the hardest was watching Amber's face when she had Mega search the computer for word of what happened to Bray. Poor Bray...

Moments can be powerful things.

And the moments in our lives? The births, deaths, weddings, first-meetings, loves, lies, fears and joys... treasure them all.


photo credit: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

Sunday, September 18, 2011


Ok, I can't help myself. I can't keep from speculating what might be in store, in a game-season with the name Guardians of Fort River. You see, Kane did come up with a name, sort of, for his crew as his plot begins to take shape in season 10. He said I should use the word "Guardians."

We all know, Guardian has a definite place in Tribe-lore. And I happen to know my friend Kane is a very big Tribe fan. So...

What have you got coming, Kane?

The Guardian was head of the Chosen, which worshipped Zoot and said he'd be back. Our game doesn't have a Zoot-character -- at least not as far as I can tell ... omg! totally out of the blue this thought just hit me... PLEASE tell me these guys aren't Xeno-worshippers? omg...omg...omg --

Ok, deep breath...calm down, Chyna...

Anyway, the Guardian did all that he did because he thought he was helping people. Helping them to lead better lives. Helping them to have a future. That sounds like a really good thing, doesn't it? I mean, so far Kane has been a "good" character. He's bodyguard to Valentine and really seems to care about her. He also seems to be seriously concerned about The Little Guy, the average city kid who has every need to survive as the rest of us.

And as has been said often, winter is coming. Winter in Fort River isn't the easiest, especially if you're living on the streets with few resources.

The Guardian and his Chosen were often confusing, especially with their Zoot-isms. It always felt like they despised weakness but could find ways to use it. They were intimidated by strength that didn't come from Zoot, which explains why they turned against Bray when he wouldn't help them deify his brother.

What else do we know? Well, the Chosen captured and isolated ALL the city's tribe-leaders. Kane and his friends have been known to make some rather disparaging remarks about Fort River's tribes...and they've made the effort to learn who the tribes are, and who their leaders are.

We also know the Chosen were militant. They didn't have any problem killing whoever got in their way. So far we haven't seen that from Kane & Company, but we do know that they are big and strong and there are a LOT of them. They've set up barricades around the city, so we have to speculate they'd use force to enforce those barricades, hm?

At the end of the day, I just haven't figured this one out yet. It's strange, being game-owner, to be in the dark as much as I am right now -- but I can't say I totally hate it. It's kind of fun, to be able to speculate and plan for what might be coming our way in the game.

I think that's why KTDARPG has lasted so many years and so many seasons. We have GREAT players, and they're wicked creative.

What are you handing us, Kane? Hehe...hope I haven't spoiled anything. Just speculating here, y'know?


photo credit: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

Sunday, September 04, 2011

KTDARPG - Season 10 is on the horizon

It's late fall in "Keep The Dream Alive" rpg. Our characters have just finished the blow-out party of the season, our version of a harvest festival before we settle in & settle down for the winter to come.

Adding spice to the game, we're about to embark on a new season & a new scenario that even I'm a bit puzzled about (which is unusual since, game owner? duh?). Because I gave the reins for this plot over to one of our moderators, Kane.

Kane is a huge Tribe fan & tells me he intends the upcoming scenario to take us back to Techno days. That's gonna be interesting since our game has already dealt with the Brotherhood & the Anti-kids. All we've seen so far is the character "Kane" & his buddies. He has a LOT of buddies! As of now, they're bottling up Fort River, blocking the main thoroughfares that take you into & out of the city. Kane tells me the new scenario kicks off in our new game-day coming up, so we'll see!

Hey, Kane? Does your merry band of men have a name? Some cute handle y'all wanna be known by? Just checking...

I figured all this effort deserved a new season, so that's what we'll do.

And I just realized... Wow. Next month will make 7 years since "Keep The Dream Alive" kicked off with those brave few who had a great idea. Seven years + 9 seasons later, I hope we've done your dream proud, my friends!


photo credit: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

Friday, September 02, 2011

I've let this go too long...

I've let this go too long & I'm really sorry. My last post was in May? Now it's September? *sigh* I don't know where the time went. Summer had a few more surprises than I anticipated, and life in general has been...complicated.

That's no excuse. Nope. No excuse at all. There is so much going on in Tribeworld & with fandom, and I'm missing it!

Like for instance, this weekend is Dragon*Con in Atlanta (Georgia, for those not familiar). I'm seriously remembering D*C 2006 & getting a kiss from my favorite "Lex". Ah, yes, us Tribe fans have had plenty of fun at D*C's past.

Tribe fandom on Facebook is really going crazy, especially with the ability to chat with our favorite stars. And who knows what's next?

Our game--KTDARPG is really flying! We're about to embark on a new season & a new plotline that will challenge all of our Tribe-city of Fort River & the people who call her home.

So I promise, I'll try to do better & keep up with the blog & the game & fandom and all. Besides, that's why I started this. :) I don't want to let it go now.

Stay tribal, everybody!


photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"