Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Where the action is

It's taken a few days, but i think i've finally figured out the Big Picture to what's going on in-game at KTDARPG. Let me see if i can sum up where the action is.

In Sector 5 -- There's a war going on. Prince has taken the battle to Gaz's Compound in Sector 5 (old stomping grounds of the Reapers). The deputies have breached the compound walls. Inside they've found Brena & Worm dead, but still no sign of Gaz. Prince has Vixen & Oliver with him, and finding Gaz is probably the next step.

At "Home" -- Murder & death are everywhere, including Val's bar. Ishmael's been found dead in his room, but no sign of the murderer. Saber & a stranger Johnny are standing by to help...if Valentine can keep it together long enough. Eris and Ace/Jack are around there somewhere, probably keeping an eye on Madam at the bar.

The Outskirts of Fort River -- People leave and people return. Even as Mordom & Ranger take off, familiar faces make a comeback. Hawk, Creed, Jade and Zero are on the outskirts of the city. Jade looks across the last of the distance with hope; Hawk is more reluctant to get back into the politics and pressures of a city she's never understood. Both will be surprised at what they find.

The Warehouse District -- The Misfits are tucked in safe for the night...and hoping for a peaceful night for a change. Arianna's had her hands full--a new baby, a new man, a trial that went tragically crazy, her mission questioned and her help disparaged. At the eye of the hurricane that's Fort River these days, the Misfits have been a steadying influence. Let's hope they can keep it up.

The Factory District -- It's not all-out war yet, but something's about to explode in the factory where Rah has his headquarters. Krystal's free but Jason's still inside. Now Shikra & Jean have hatched a plan with Seth to try and finish this. Who among them will still be alive when the dust settles?

Whereabouts Unknown -- And last but not least, our favorite crazies Villa & Marionette have gone off on their own. Tree houses? a red sea of old death? a diamond-filled lake? solar-powered transportation? Oh, Villa is definitely in her favorite kind of candy store...but what's Marionette's game. Bait in a trap? Or genuine caring for this crazy ice-blonde?

Want more? Read our game! The link for it is in the list at right!


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