Monday, December 25, 2006

Requiem for a Bad Girl

A lot of things've happened in the game since Chyna took a break. Lots of battles, lots of character development, lots of deaths... One of those deaths hit home, people, and I simply can't let it pass without proper notice.

Her name was Brena. She joined us in Season-1. Here's part of her official game-bio:

"Brena was the daughter of a priest and learned early to be persuasive, to convince others to her point of view. With Xeno, she helped create a club for kids whose purpose was: Protect the past to rebuild and improve the future. In other words, control and eliminate chaos--impose order. That club eventually became The Brotherhood."

Anybody familiar with our game knows the Brotherhood was Big Trouble. Because of her role, Brena was also Big Trouble. Her motives may've been good, but it seemed like everything she touched went wrong. People died. And everything she did that DID turn out good (like finding/releasing the cure to the kid-killing virus, or paying Valentine's debt to Drake & releasing her from bondage)...well, it didn't seem to matter. She couldn't erase her past, and her attempts to make amends always seemed to go wrong.

More from her bio: "At the end of Season-1, because of her obsession with getting Xeno back and questions about her loyalty, Lion-F and the Brotherhood commanders tried to assassinate her. They failed. Brena fled to Xeno and the Fort River resistance, and she was caught in the battle for Merchant Street."

From there, her life got really interesting. Over the next few seasons, she joined the River Rats tribe (and was ultimately kicked out), she fell in love with Bishop and lost him, she was pregnant (father unnamed) and lost the baby, she was elected to the Fort River City Council (right before the hurricane shot all that to hell), she made friends and she made enemies. With the Brotherhood and Anti-Kids gone, it seemed Brena lost her way. Her purpose was gone, her contemporaries were gone. She became a walking anachronism.

It says a great deal for the sensitivity & skill of her creator that Brena was such a full-fleshed character. It wasn't just other characters that reacted to her--it was also other players. Brena elicited strong feelings among the players in the game whenever she came on scene. In other words, to them? She was alive. Her past was solid. Her presence was strong. She grew beyond her creator...

So raise a glass to Brena, boys 'n girls. To the Brotherhood Queen who imagined a perfect world but just couldn't figure out how to make it real. Her smile could freeze your blood, and her power was unquestioned. Believe it or not...she will be missed.


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