Friday, August 30, 2013

Honoring Our Tribal Best

In 2005, KTDA awarded its first Tribe Awards. Our players were--and are!--so awesome, we needed to somehow recognize their efforts. So the KTDARPG Council of Tribes officially present awards for best characters, moments & accomplishments from KTDA stories & threads. What better way to honor all our players' work while remembering the great show that inspires us? We still make these awards periodically.

A great side-note: In 2006 at Dragon*Con, we gave a copy of the recent awards list to the actors who portrayed Lex, Ram, Slade & May. Their reactions were hilarious, and they enjoyed the tributes! It was really fun meeting all of them, too.  :)

Anyway, as a look back, here are some of the awards from 2005.

2005 “Tribe Awards”

Amber Award for reluctant leader: Chyna, without whom the River Rats wouldn't exist.

Bray Award for “doing the right thing”: Rourke, who became a Brotherhood spy to save his baby’s life.

Bray & Amber Award for best couple, doomed or otherwise: Chyna & Xeno.

Ebony Award for “me-first” moments: Brena--the girl earned the distinction!

Lex Award for best “what the hell?” moment: Xeno. C’mon, skanky Vera? What the hell were you thinking?

Locos Award for grossest game moment: Prince--keep him away from your dogs!

Salene Award for mothering us all: our own Arianna!

Taisan Award for staying true to yourself under difficult circumstances: Hawk. We try to change you constantly, but you’re a rock!

Teenaged Cloe Award for best b***h: Lila. The vote on this was unanimous!

Tribe Style Award for best makeup: the Travelers.

Trudy Award for contributing to KTDA's future: Kava, who had a baby girl in-game the day before Solstice!

Zoot Award for evil, villainous moments: Nemesis. Honestly, a dog collar & leash?

Zoot Lives! Award for best group fight scene: Hawk & her Birds of Prey, for the AK battle on the plains. It was awesome!


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

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