Sunday, October 17, 2010

Did anybody think it would last?

OMG - 6 years? How is that even possible?

All I can do is celebrate. You guys have made it all real -- Tribe fans and friends, rpg-ers, KTDA members and players. We wouldn't be here if not for you.

I look at the game today and think, "Wow." And it began with a small tv-show with an apocalyptic theme from New Zealand. A lot of us even got to meet some of the actors through the years, at Dragon*Con in Atlanta. The show ended but it stayed in our souls. That's not a bad thing.

We've made so many friends along the way. A lot of people have come and gone, especially this last year. We miss them, but we're glad they were with us for a while. And who knows...maybe they'll stop around again in the future.

Ok, yeah, I'm being nostalgic here. I'm not going to name names or cite statistics or anything like that. KTDA isn't about that - it's about feelings and stories and playing and having a good time. Sometimes real life gets in the way, but the game is always here when we're ready for it.

If you don't know "Keep The Dream Alive" roleplaying game, stop in and have a look!

If you don't know "The Tribe" ... well, I know there are episodes available on YouTube and other places around the Web. You might want to watch out though. can be very addictive.

Anyway, today I'm raising my glass to all my friends at KTDA. I love you all, and I'm glad I know you. And to absent friends. We'll be here if you find your way back.

Happy 6th Anniversary.

-Chyna, Game Owner, KTDARPG

Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

1 comment:

  1. Well Chyna, we love you!

    Oh, btw, I am back. *wink*
