Thursday, February 26, 2009

Behind the Scenes: "Amber Award"

I always get questions about our game's "Tribe Awards"--what they are, why characters won the awards they did? We just had award presentations for Winter 2009, so here I can get specific. For my next several posts, I'll take the winter awards & break 'em down. I'll give you "The Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to & how our game recalls some very special people & moments from one very special show. Along the way, I hope to give you more insight into our game too, maybe encourage you to check us out?

Let's start from the top and see where these awards take us, through "The Tribe" and through the "Keep The Dream Alive" roleplaying game.

Behind the Scenes: "Amber Award"

In "The Tribe," Amber was the perfect tribe leader. She cared about individuals, about the tribe as a whole, & about being fair. She wanted to see everyone get along & work together. It was funny--and oh so obvious--that she made a better Mallrats leader than Lex. It was no surprise the Ecos chose her to lead their tribe too. Later, Mega would strong-arm her into being the public "city leader" to the city kids (though he would be in the background threatening her kid & pulling her strings) because they trusted she would be fair, would tell them the truth, and would actually care what happened to them.

In our game, that pretty much describes Arianna, tribe leader of the Misfits. She didn't exactly want to be leader; the job kind of fell in her lap & she's always done the best she could. The very things that make her a good tribe leader have also made the city respect her. In the past, for example, it was Arianna & the Misfits who made sure all the city kids got the antidote when the 2nd virus was released.

Recently, Ari joined Valentine & Jade to help the kids of Fort River by opening a City Shelter & free clinic. When she isn't at home taking care of her baby Saphire & the Misfits, or when she isn't busting her buns working for a living at the Mirage, you can usually find Ari at the shelter taking care of the kids & trying to help them toward a better life.

The life of a tribe leader isn't an easy one. Our Arianna has stayed the course through 7 game seasons, and we don't see her changing all that much. She genuinely believes in the Misfits, in Fort River's future, and in the kids who will make that future possible.

Congrats, Ari! You deserved this award!

Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe

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