Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Unplugged! - "Salene Award #2"

AWARDS UNPLUGGED: Where we take the Summer 2008 awards & break 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

Salene Award #2

The character of Salene was known for her caring, warm approach to people. It made her ideal for tribe-life. It also left her open to be taken shameless advantage of, or to fall hard for something that wasn't necessarily true. Trudy took advantage early, using Salene as a built-in babysitter then being jealous of Salene because the baby responded better to her than its own mother. Salene fell hard for Bray, the conflicted lover. She was totally open to being influenced by the Chosen. Her kindness was her greatest strength ... and sometimes her greatest weakness.

In our game, ERIS has a lot of Sal-like qualities. She wants to help, needs to be of help - that's how she defines her role in life. No matter who's in trouble or in need, Eris seems to be right there to lend a hand. She has lots of friends, but it was Ace/Alister that she fell hard for. It wasn't really obvious that he returned her affections, no matter how much she wanted him to. Eris is a good soul...she deserves to be happy. Just as Salene deserved happiness.


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe

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