Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Unplugged! - "Amber Award"

Wow, feedback. It's a wonderful thing. I've had lots of questions about our game's "Tribe Awards" - what the awards are, how they're determined, and exactly why characters won the awards they did? So ... guess we need to get more specific. Not a problem, guys.


I'm gonna take the Summer 2008 awards list & break 'em down. I'll give you "Tribe" references so you can see what each award title refers to. Then I'll describe the defining moment or scene that resulted in a character receiving his/her award. This is gonna take a bit of time, one per day, so stick with us. Maybe this'll give you some more insight into our game too ... maybe encourage you to check us out. ((Yep, always with the ulterior motive.))

So let's start at the top.

The Amber Award

Amber always seemed to be the "reluctant leader," first of the Mall Rats then the Ecos and then a recognized leader of the city itself. But she was known to ditch all that & split to follow her conscience. This is a direct reference to Season-3, after she & Bray were reunited in the city. Still she left to go & try to pull together tribes outside the city to fight the Guardian. Seemed the city's needs came before her own.

HAWK is perfect for this award, a reluctant leader to the River Rats though they elected her & enthusiastically followed her. She did the best she could & moved them into the heart of Fort River so they could be part of something more. But then she turned her back on that, stepped down as leader, disappeared into the city. Hawk has bad vibes about the things happening all around them - and this girl pays attention to her vibes. This is a parallel "needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few." Hawk figures what's good for the city will ultimately be good for her tribe ... but there's still that pesky reluctance. We know she wasn't comfortable as leader. Anyway, Hawk & Amber definitely would've been friends. They have a lot in common when it comes to leadership style & doing what's right.


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe

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