Wednesday, January 23, 2008

10 things I learned. . .

There are 10 basic rules to thriving in an rpg.
This is a personal list. You might have your own
(and if you do, please share!). For now, consider
the possibilities.

Number-1: It takes Players to make a game. When there are just 4 or 5 routinely playing, it gets boring as hell.

Number-2: A Battle is not a Plot. If you aren't fighting for something then the battle's useless & makes no sense. It comes down to just a battle for bragging rights. Big deal. The "something" is the plot.

Number-3: Everybody deserves a turn in the spotlight. Sometimes it's more fun to help somebody else shine & follow another's plot idea even if it may not seem the best. Yes, even if it means your character(s) become subservient for awhile. So what? It's just a game.

Number-4: Everybody has ideas. They like their ideas. They deserve a chance to try them out. They don't need somebody to tell them their ideas are useless or could be better. They just need somebody to go along & give it a try.

Number-5: The best stories are surprises. You could also call this one Be flexible. Nothing's written in stone. I don't always need to know what the long-term plan is or how something'll end. I LIKE SURPRISES! Even some of my own ideas, I got no clue how they'll end. Our game has multiple players, and I want some of those players along on the same ride with me. If they have ideas or think something might work better if we change this or that...I don't mind. We're writing together. That's a helluva lot of fun.

Number-6: If you really don't like a player, don't play with him/her. Don't beat the dead horse, just go in a different direction. Enough said.

Number-7: There's always NPC-land. I've been there a few times. If you want to try out your own ideas & write your own story, NPC-land is perfect. But if you want to interact with others & write a better story, you need PEOPLE. People are human. NPC-land has no humans. Well, except for you.

Number-8: Three-plus years so we must be doing something right! We have a lot of active players & more storylines than I can keep up with and I'm constantly surprised! That is priceless!

Number-9: If it ain't fun, what are you doing here? Do what it takes to MAKE the game fun for you. Nobody else is gonna, and bitching doesn't help. It just makes people not want to talk to you. Or it hurts feelings.

Number-10: Lighten the hell up! This is fantasy, not real-life. While it can be a good idea to USE those real-world emotions as a creative force in the's really not a good idea to take out anger, rage, frustration, etc. on the PLAYERS. Nope. Not good at all.

Like I said, these are just kind of personal lessons
learned, and they're in no particular order. Anybody
else has a list, I'll be more than happy to publish it for ya!


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