Sunday, September 23, 2007

Lists, Part 1

Well, feedback from Dragon*Con has been pretty scarce. I know from the news that it was the absolute biggest crowd ever. I heard 45,000 ... and I heard they're adding a 4th hotel to the convention hosts for next year because of it.

Hawk has sent me a couple of things, stuff she learned from her convention experiences and put into lists. So I figured, hey why not? I'll share them here. I'm sure her DC companions will appreciate them, and future con-goers might get a clue, yeah?

Anyway, here's list-part-1: Regarding Costumes, from Hawk

1. Details can make or break a costume. Makeup is one of the essential details.

2. Half-hearted makeup should be avoided. Put the time into it or don't do it at all.

3. WARNING! If you choose to make it might want to warn your friends. Otherwise you'll have them planning revenge for the "scare you give them."

4. Real scars are rarely in a straight line.

5. Body paint looks great...until you sweat.

6. Wings are cool...until you need to fit into an elevator.

7. A dress with a train is regal...until you navigate the lobby of the Hyatt in it.

8. Georgia heat + air conditioning + 30,000 people = essential factors in choosing a costume.

9. Remember, you need to eat. So plan accordingly when you design your costume.

10. Likewise, dependable pockets are a must!

((and Chyna adds this one: Likewise, remember you have to go to the bathroom sometimes too!))

11. Chose a costume that fits your figures--your body, and your pocketbook

12. High heels look cool and will kill your feet.


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