Friday, October 13, 2006


Ok, new player in the game. Let's call him Marionette, for the first character he brought on the scene. Marionette appears to be 2-faced, in the truest sense of the word. This guy has a running dialogue with himself! We have "Marionette" and we have "Francis" -- and we have to decide which one he is at any given time!

This guy is an original, for KTDARPG. Rarely have we had so much insight into a character that added up to so little...all kinds of teasing tidbits (like wearing chains under his shirt?) that, after weeks now, still only tease & don't illuminate. Friendly? Definitely. This guy will talk to just about anybody, and then follow you down the street to keep you talking. Strong? Well, he says he is (and Valentine gave him a workout with those crates, so maybe he really is). Dangerous? Hmm...still deciding that one. The internal dialogue suggests he just might be--but what form that danger takes is anybody's guess.

Marionette is spawning a new herd of characters that seem to be only a little whackier than himself. Or maybe it's many different brands of whacky. There's Zero. And Ace. And a new girl that's just shown up on Rex's doorstep. I think her name is Eris?

Anyway, will be fun to see what form all this madness takes. And where it leads us. Hey, if nothing else? Our players are NOT boring!


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