Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Winter Blahs?

10 Jan 06
Here in the U.S. midwest we've had rain all day today & temps in the 45-60F range for a couple of weeks. Not our normal winter. No snow to ski, no ice to skate (unless you travel a few states away to find them). As much as people bitch about snow, at least it's pretty. If it has to BE winter, seems like it should at least LOOK like winter.

I don't think I'm alone in this blue mood. The rpg has slowed way down since the new year started. At one point we were averaging 30-40 posts a day. Right now? More like 10-12.

The slowdown could be because everybody's getting back to their real-world lives after the holidays--to new school terms, or final exams, or part-time jobs, or regular jobs after vacations. Maybe it's because we ended Season-2 & now everybody's trying to figure out how to move their characters into the new season. (That's what happened back in the summer, when we ended Season-1.) It's not easy making that kind of transition, as I well remember. The slowdown could also be a touch of burn-out making itself felt. That would make sense, considering the flurry of work all the players did before Christmas & the massive creative jags we lived through to end the season. Everyone pitched in & did some tremendous work, so if this is burn-out flaring up it's totally understandable!

I know Chyna's feeling the touch of all 3: real world, how to approach Season-3, and a bit of post-holiday burn out.

This break in the action does NOT mean nothing is happening. It's just happening behind the scenes. I've heard about some seriously wicked plotting going on. If half of what I've heard is true? Well, let's just say Season-3 has the potential for some killer drama.

So just in case anyone's worried that the game is playing out? Not gonna happen, guys! Wait and see! -Chyna

Photo source: Webshots

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