The KTDA Council of Tribes "Tribe Awards," honoring our game-characters who parallel the original "Tribe" characters we all know and love.* * * * * * * * * *
When you think of "Tribe" and "honorable," our man Jay has to be pretty high on your list.
Ok, yeah, he was one of the invading Technos. He was actually one of the Techno leaders who orchestrated their shock-n-awe takeover of the city. Jay was Rom's trusted general, and he did his job very well.
Not sure what it was that brought out his ethical side. It might've been there all along, just waiting for a catalyst.
Or it might've been him getting the hots for Ebony.
Oh, wait--make that "hots for Trudy." Wrong. He had the hots for Amber.
Ok, my head's spinning. Let's just admit the guy was a man-ho & leave it at that. Still, he tried to do the right thing. It was just that the right thing kept changing up on him all the time.
So far, the beginning part of this Jay-description seems to apply directly to KTDA's Kane.
There's a lot we don't know about Kane, but we know that so far he's played things pretty much on the up-n-up. Since he's been in Fort River, he established a small business for himself & his friends to pay the bills.
Somehow he hooked up with Valentine, and that's where things have started to get interesting. Kane's played it pretty much honorable as far as we can tell. And, ok, yeah...he may have the first indications of a man----
Oh well, never mind. We'll have to wait & see what happens with that. Should be fun!
Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"