Thursday, June 03, 2010

Spring 2010 "Tribe Awards"-----DANNI

The KTDA Council of Tribes "Tribe Awards," honoring our game-characters
who parallel the original "Tribe" characters we all know and love.

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It was just one season, Season 2, yet the character of Danni left an indelible impression on Tribe-world.

This girl wasn't a primal survivalist. Danni carried her civilization and ethics and ingrained democratic beliefs with her--just as important to her as food and water and living to the next day. It was obvious in the things that drove her. Getting the trading market going, her Bill of Rights, leadership of the MallRats. . .

Danni was also driven by her past, a past that wasn't her fault and she couldn't be blamed for. It was harsh when everyone found out Danni's father was the scientist responsible for the Virus that devastated their world.

She was working through all that, beginning to live up to her potential and change her world, when the Chosen came and the Guardian captured all the tribe leaders.

Danni disappeared, but she has never been forgotten.

Valentine came from a different background but has faced, and is facing, a lot of the same challenges Danni knew. Val's back story led her to be an anarchist, and it seems she has always been a natural leader if anarchists have leaders. She is a magnetic personality, and people respond to her.

Where Danni had the Guardian, Valentine had kidnapping and slavery and a near-death experience that totally changed her. Today our girl is a bona fide capitalist, one who seems to be using her influence to help others. For every wildly successful business like Home (an inn/bar) and Mirage (a casino), there is also an indoor trading market and a free shelter/clinic for the city kids that she either sponsors or pays for.

Where Val truly parallels Danni seems to be in her choice of men. These girls aim high, and that will definitely lead to broken hearts along the way.

We were sorry to see Danni disappear after one short season.

We hope Valentine is with us a very long time.

Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

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