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From the moment she came on-screen as Alice's Virus-infected sister who got helped by the Mallrats' antidote - and especially when she came like a whirlwind into Jack's & Dal's lives - Ellie was just delightful. And if I'm right? Ellie was one of the very few females who didn't fall for Bray! hehe...
Ellie was a pretty, bright, intelligent, fun-loving girl who had a hard time taking no for an answer.
When it came to boys? Ellie had some very definite opinions. It took her 4 seasons! in the game before she finally experienced love. Despite Luke or anyone else, it was always Jack who touched her heart and brought her to life.
Don't change, Jenna! We want to see you grow and develop and stay true to yourself, just the way our girl Ellie did.
Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"
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