Ransom, one of our long-term & more experienced players, has devised a most devious test to let you gauge your Tribal-ness & measure yourself against those icons of our fandom--the stellar characters we know & love from "The Tribe"! Here are her questions. They're meant to measure how tribal our rpg characters are...or even how tribal our players are (hehe!). I thought you'd enjoy testing yourself. Score yourself 1-point for every time you can answer "yes" to the question asked.
1. Were you a famous or important person before the virus?
2. Do you sometimes have violent urges?
3. Did you have them before the virus?
4. Did you organize a secret movement against the government?
5. Were you in a secret movement, either for the government or against the government?
6. Do you believe the world was better with Adults?
7. Do you believe the world is better without Adults?
8. Are you considered the "bad" boy or "bad" girl?
9. Do you drink?
10. Do you drink to get plastered/forget?
11. Have you drank to the point you don't remember what happened the day before, or you don't remember how you got to that spot or situation?
12. Have you ever been intoxicated & killed someone?
13. "Alcohol in one hand, a weapon in another hand, and ready to pick a fight, or fighing while intoxicated!"
14. Been so drunk you did not care if you lived or died?
15. Made malatov cocktails! Vandalised a building?
16. Been arrested/rounded up after the virus?
17. Searched someone's room without their knowledge/consent or took something from their room, or planted something in their room?
18. Been a slave owner, a slave trader? Bought a slave or someone's contract?
19. Been a slave?
20. Drugged someone without their knowledge/consent?
21. Brainwashed someone or been programmed/re-programmed?
22. Do you consider yourself sane?
23. Do you ever talk to plants, animals, inanimate objects, or yourself?
24. Have you ever had a meaningful conversation with any of the above?
25. Do you hear voices in your head, or at one time did hear voices in your head? If so, do you ever talk to the voices in your head?
26. Do people tend to stare at you?
27. Do you ever change subjects in the middle of a sentence?
28. Do you name your possessions?
29. Are you obsessed with death?
30. Do you refuse to believe in anything but yourself?
31. Do you enjoy setting fire to things?
32. In this new world, do you consider this your chance to be its new ruler?
33. Have you ever eaten rats, or dog food, because you were so hungry?
34. Do you have multiple personalities that act independently? If so, do some of your personalities dislike each other?
35. Are you co-habiting in your own body?
36. Do you consider most of the people you know as completely mad?
37. Do you wear a hat?
38. Do you blow on a piece of food that has fallen on the floor before eating it?
39. Have you ever used a funeral pyre as a cooking fire?
40. Turned someone away when they are down on their luck, or sick, or when they needed your help, or food or shelter?
41. Kicked a tribesmate out of a tribe, or voted them out?
42. Been restrained for any reason with a (leash, chains, rope, duct tape, belt, etc.), or used any of the items on someone else?
43. Have you ever killed? Committed murder or planned or put a contract out on someone?
44. Been a contract on you, or a price on your head?
45. Lied to a Tribesmate?
46. In this new world, age does not matter any more, we make our own choices about love and marriage?
47. Secretly lusted after someone without that person knowing it?
48. Dropped subtle hints to someone whom you liked/loved/wanted, hoping that they would pick up on it?
49. Thought you might be, or might have caused someone else to be, unintentionally pregnant?
50. Do you pickpocket/steal for a living?
51. Do you causually eavesdrop on conversations around strangers or acquaintances just to improve your skills, or spy?
52. Did you/do you show off wounds/scars proudly?
53. Been in a fight with large animals?
54. Been in a cage match fight?
55. Do you own a dog collar, but not a dog?
56. Are you a goth, hippie, techie, nerd, geek, loser, pothead, deadbeat, recluse, misunderstoond social outcast?
57. Are you more than one of the above?
58. Do you smoke?
59. Do you have tattoos/piercings/wear outragous make-up?
60. Do you decorate your clothing with non-decorative objects (e.g. safety pins, duct tape, etc.) or regularly dye your hair colors not found in nature or have strange-colored eyes?
Now that you've got your score, come on over to our game-site (just follow the link at right) and check out the Answer Key in the "Files" section to see how you rate!
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