From 2004 to 2019, my friends & I played the rpg "Keep the Dream Alive." The world was devastated by a virus that killed adults & left the kids to rebuild society. The game is based on the New Zealand show "The Tribe"--and we've taken its parameters to new heights. CHYNA'S CLOSET has ideas, thoughts & moments from game, show & life. All are welcome to our memories here. The Tribe still lives in our hearts!
KTDARPG players have the normal spectrum of weaknesses, but in one endeavor they excel: creating unique, interesting Characters. That trait was always a strength in "The Tribe." Our rpg carries on that tradition nicely.
Examples are in order.A great character created in the 1st days of the game (almost 2 years ago!), who's held true to her roots & evolved into a very capable young woman, is Arianna. This girl began as they all did--disenfranchised by The Virus, alone & lost, trying to find friends & build a life. Over the course of 4 seasons, our Arianna has become the strong leader of the tribe The Misfits. She found a way to bring power to the tribe's home (using solar cells), has an electrified fence to protect them, has a huge stash of supplies (with which she's generous to those in need), and is very capable of protecting herself (they don't call her "Samurai Ari" for nothing!). Arianna has loved & lost. Her man Judge was killed in the last AK war, just when she found out she was pregnant with his baby. But Ari never gives up. We know she'll make it through--and drag with her the collection of strays & friends she's surrounded by.
A new character who hasn't been with us very long is Scarecrow. We're still learning about this guy, who showed up near the end of Season-3 walking into the middle of a gang war & has since hooked up with the Misfits. We don't know a lot about Scarecrow in game just yet, but what we do know is positive & intriguing--he's not afraid to mix it up if a fight's in order; he appreciates help when it's offered & tends to return generosity in kind; he has a tender soul & seems to be drawn to the underdog. If we go by what we know in the "character history" (which every player supplies for a new character), we know his old tribe tried to kill him, another tribe helped him & healed him, and now Scarecrow is mostly interested in helping people & building our new post-Virus world. As time goes on, I think we're gonna like this guy. (But he has a little difficulty ahead of him in-game right now...of the woman variety. haha!)
Another strong KTDARPG character is Krystal. Krystal joined us in Season-2 and is a member of the River Rats tribe. Our Krystal isn't larger than life; she just...is. Krystal is her tribe's healer (her mom & dad were both doctors pre-Virus). She's given a lot of herself to the health of our city Fort River, dealing with the aftermath of every major war the city kids have fought (and believe me, there have been some big ones). She's followed her calling with fortitude, sensitivity & caring. She may not be a fighter but she fights like hell to save a life! Krystal's scenario has gotten more interesting lately. She has a love interest (another River Rat named Jason), and the two of them are slowly building a life together. Since we've had very few game-relationships that weren't...well, difficult in some way...I'm looking forward to how this one develops. Who knows? We just might see our first in-game wedding!
As the tv show did so well, our players have crafted characters that you can care about & empathize with. Probably part of the reason KTDARPG has lasted so long--we're all constantly waiting to see what happens next!
Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"
In our game? It just isn't there.
Example--"Brena." There are PLENTY of reasons nobody should like or trust her, but she's trying hard to live down her past & make amends. She has connections to the River Rats (our version of the Mall Rats)--was even accepted into the tribe. But in our game, very few characters/players are even willing to give Brena a chance & see if this change is for real. (Believe me, they won't budge one inch!) The first chance they had, the River Rats voted her out of the tribe. So much for 2nd chances & friendships. Another example--"Xeno" (RIP). Sure he had a nasty, wicked past & always seemed on the verge of insanity. Few trusted him or wanted anything to do with him. Just one character gave him a chance...and in the end, he redeemed himself & repaid that trust & faith. But if not for that one character, Xeno would never have achieved his potential & had such a positive impact on the game.
Maybe the problem lies with our Game Master, who continues to insist our game-play be as close to real-life as possible. If you look back at "The Tribe," reality wasn't exactly their concern. It was the story, the characters, the plot. Maybe if we weren't so worried about getting it right & real--or if we didn't have to worry about trusting our fellow players?--we could focus more on developing the character-relationships that distinguished "The Tribe."
Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"