I just spent 2 hours listening to somone who's suppose to love me read me an oh-so-superior riot act, right up to the point where I experienced a WTF-moment (if you don't know what that means, I'm not gonna spell it out).
The topic? My computer...the Internet...KTDARPG. The point? Apparently, the point he was trying to make is that my time on my comp actually equals escapism, and that the rpg is pure fantasy that I tend to choose over reality.
Ok, back the bus up. I'm a writer by profession. I have a job I go to every weekday. They provide me with a very hot comp system & actually pay me to do what I love & I'm good at, which is write.
Yeah, I'm on the comp a lot. It's a tool of my trade. And when I'm not writing for work, I'm writing for me. Since I was a kid, writing is how I figure out the world. I can test ideas & see where they lead me. If I got a problem & can't figure it out, I work it out on the keyboard. (I can hear AHA! coming from my fellow rpg-ers about now. C'mon, you knew that's how I played the game, right?) The comp is my info source (a lot more accurate than the local news media). I also have friends here, and family I can keep in touch with a lot easier than trying to catch them by phone or (horrors!) write them a letter.
I have a life--a damn good life!--off the keyboard, and it's very precious to me. So as you can imagine, the 2-hour sermon got on my nerves...right up to the moment where WTF hit me. Then I understood. Then I got pissed.
Had nothing to do with the comp. Had a lot to do with hacking my KTDARPG files & not understanding what he was reading.
So his 2-hour sermon was followed by my 20 minutes of making somebody feel small without using any 4-letter words (I'm good at that...large vocabulary). The short version: I'm over 21--I'm allowed to play games & have fun without explaining that to anybody--I take the concept of "privacy" rather seriously--he could kiss my ass on his way out the door.
Ah, well...life leads us down strange paths. There have been times when the game actually has been a point of sanity among the chaos. When I need to leave it alone, I do. And I defy anyone to try & dictate what I can & cannot do. That's a game I won't play.
Sorry, guys. Next entry, promise, back to our regular programming.
Photo source: Webshots
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