KTDARPG Game Overview
(December 2013)

Ours is an "other-world," where real-world geography and history don't exactly apply. There are also no fantasy or super-powered characters here.
KTDA started play-action less than a year after our game-Virus was unleashed and the adults killed. The world's kids (generally age 18 and younger) were left alive and must deal with finding food, shelter, clothing, safety--trying to survive and build a new world for themselves out of the ashes of the old.
The city of Fort River is where most of our action takes place. It's located on a long peninsula. (See map in the "files" section.) The climate has traditional seasons. Trees, plants, crops and animals are all climate-appropriate, too. Surrounding cities include Bayview (west), Darrow (south), Vale (east) and Capital City (north).
Between battles, fires, explosions and even a hurricane, Fort River has taken a beating... but it's still home.
In our game-world, a year has passed since the first friends met in Fort River, which makes it almost 2 years since the first Virus was released. (A second, kid-killing Virus was also unleashed and defeated.) The current citizens of our city have endured invasion, occupation, and destruction on a massive scale. Now the kids are growing and trying to move forward, finding loves, building lives and creating a city they can be proud of.
It's turning to winter again--the 2nd winter in the game--and it promises to be the worst winter we've had to endure. Old-world resources are mostly used up, and we're having to forage and scrounge more and more. We're focused on survival: surviving the winter while losing as few of our city kids as possible.
Fort River has a shelter and clinic for those in need. There's a local sort-of-hotel that serves meals and a casino for nightlife. We have a newspaper for city news and bards for news from other places. Oh, and we have electricity again!
There have been many tribes throughout the game. Right now primary tribes are Misfits, River Rats, Grasshoppers and coming new to the city is the Grey Tower Tribe.
Aside from individual grudges and rivalries, the primary bad guys have been (in order) StormRiver Tribe, the Brotherhood and the Anti-Kids...but who knows what's ahead?
Every day's an adventure, be we all work to stay tribal!
Welcome to Keep the Dream Alive.
-Chyna, Game Owner
Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"
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