As a viewer, you didn't worry so much about how Tribe-world tasted or smelled, if it was rough or smooth.
Ask any of our players. They'll tell you about Chyna's rants: "What does it feel like? What does it smell like? Describe everything so you can MAKE IT REAL for the reader!"
You know what? That's exactly what they do.
Tyla's reactions to Jet's Fight Club make you feel it--sticky tables & floors, the sounds of the fighters, the smell of stale beer & sweat... Ari has done the same with fight scenes, and Hawk in the City Clinic & in the wilderness. Sid made us experience his anguish at the loss of his son...and even the anguish he felt at beating Chyna in their cage-match. Krystal's loss of her love, Maggie's impressions of the people she meets at Home, the stories our bards tell -- there are so many good examples from so many good players that I can't begin to list them all. This is just a taste for you. If you aren't a KTDA member, you're missing something special.
So we are truly 5-D -- sight, sound, touch, taste & smell! That doesn't mean everything's all pleasant, tasting like steak or smelling like flowers. Our game-world continues to be a tough place that we endure & try to make better.
Come & see--or touch! or smell!--for yourself.
Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"
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