Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Summer Tribe Award: Questionable Morals

Breaking down the Sumemr 2009 "Tribe Awards" presented to KTDARPG players by the votes of their fellow players, with tributes to the show that continues to inspire us!

Category: Best Character of Questionable Morals

Winner: Prince
Runner Up: Rio

All right, maybe first we need to decide what "questionable morals" means -- especially since our KTDA character who actually runs a house of ill repute didn't win this thing!

In The Tribe, in case you hadn't noticed, it wasn't uncommon for characters around. Didn't matter if you were "good" like Amber (who actually had 3 maybe 4 lovers in 5 seasons) or "bad" like May (who kept switching it up way too much for us to keep track). In this way, in a big way, Tribe characters broke from Old World morals & made their own rules. This also was definitely morals, not "virtue." I could make a very long argument that some of Tribe's characters were actually extremely virtuous despite all the bed-hopping going on. But we'll leave that for another time.

Prince winning this category (42% of votes, a very strong showing!) startled me. Ok, so my characters kinda grew up with Prince in KTDA. Hm...and now I'm remembering it was our Prince who had the game's first nude scene. And Prince has always been about the ladies, though no one special until his first Bird of Prey & then his current season love interest. He can definitely turn on the charm when the right woman catches his eye. Way to go, babe!

Runner up was Rio (25% of votes), and he is a Lothario in the truest sense of the word. Not sure that love-em-and-leave-em accurately describes his attitude towards women, but it comes close. He's not one to be found often without a lady on his arm...or 2...or 3?

Blackrose, Madam, Sypher and Valentine also received votes in this category. Making up our own rules...maybe we aren't too far off the mark from The Tribe, after all.


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

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