Tortured Tribe
From the show, people's minds immediately latch on to Season-3 when the Guardian tortured Bray with Zoot's voice & image.
Rewind to Season-1 & you get Ebony "testing" Virus cures on Lex. You'll also find the tribe that took advantage of Salene's bulimia, offering her food and then snatching her to turn her into a prostitute.
Season-2 had Ebony chained inside a cave by the Chosen until she agreed to be a servant to Trudy.
Season-4 got interesting with the Technos' introduction of virtual reality. That was the ultimate instrument for Amber's torture--vicious & ongoing--and it took her a long time to shake off that experience.
Season-5 took things back to basics ... as basic as Ebony threatening her prisoners with being fed to a lion, or letting them get beat up by their own victims.
"Keep the Dream Alive" rpg has flowed up & down the "torture" meter. The Brotherhood put collars on their subjects to both identify them & control them. The Anti-Kids did the same to their soldiers, to punish them or even make sure they didn't live beyond their commanding officers.
We've done it to ourselves too. Xeno tortured Chyna by parading his lover Brena right under her nose. Tom-F tortured Jade from the moment they met--discounting all her established skills, ultimately tearing her down & rebuilding her in the image he wanted. Tristan's entire relationship with Cecily has been based on torture & conditioning, morphed into love & acceptance. Jet is in there somewhere, with the whole vamp/blood/death thing, but that's kinda hard to explain.
Some people, like Chopper, seem to live only to torture & experiment on others at their mercy.
It's been said that children in their innocence can be crueler to each other than adults could ever be. Maybe they're right?
Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"
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