Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Behind the Scenes: Trudy Award

Taking the Winter 2009 Tribe Awards & breaking 'em down to "Tribe" references so you can see what each award refers to, then the defining moment that resulted in a character receiving this award.

Trudy Award

"The Tribe" Season One, we had "mom" Trudy. In Season Two, that got bumped up to Supreme Mother. There was also Trudy + Bray, Trudy + Jay, Techno Trudy ... let's just say this girl moved around A LOT and went through a whole lotta changes over 5 seasons of the show.

So, the Trudy Award for "which face will she be showing us this time?" goes to a KTDA newcomer, Anastasia. Outwardly, Anastasia was just a very young girl worried because she can't find her people. But inside? Inside, she had 2 and maybe 3 personas at war with each other. In a very short time we met Sweet Anastasia, Vulnerable Anastasia, Worried Anastasia...which escalated to Threatening Anastasia, I-hate-adults Anastasia, and the ultimate Assassin Anastasia.

Gotta say, it made for some interesting gaming!


Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

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