Sunday, February 03, 2008

Pick your partnerships carefully

A lot of the fun of posting in a text-based rpg is the variety of personalities you deal with. Even more important are their writing and online habits--when you're working hard on a scenario, the player you're working with really can make or break you! There are something like...4, i think?...4 types of rpg-ers when it comes to KTDARPG.

(1) The Devoted Player -- This is the person who's in it for the story & the fun! S/he is online a lot (usually because they use computers a lot on the job or in the classroom) and always up for a good back-n-forth, which tends to give a sense of urgency to the writing & can really move a story along. If you're another Devoted Player, this is who you want for your writing partner. If you're not another Devoted Player, you have to make sure you let your partner know your limitations or schedule. Otherwise disappointment will abound!

(2) The Recreational Player -- This person is your "normal player." S/he is online maybe once a day for a while, able to catch up on reading & posting with their character. Once you understand their patterns, Recreational Players are really the backbone of the game. They're dependable & methodical. They keep the story steady, covering all the bases. Just about anyone can have fun posting with Recreationals. Their stories develop a little slower but it gets there...and is usually pretty powerful when it does.

(3) The Sporadic Player -- This may be your once-a-week guy, the one with a wicked school or work schedule but who's devoted to the game & you know will post as soon as s/he can. Sometimes you'll hear nothing for 3-4 days then get a flurry of posts as they try to catch up on everything. It can be fun to watch but gets just a bit frustrating when you're playing opposite them if you aren't expecting it. Sporadics are valuable team members. They know the story, they read the posts, and even when they aren't posting they're planning for it. By the time they're back in the game, they're ready to hit the ground running.

(4) The Bland Player -- Every game has them. These players really do enjoy the game & want to be part of it. Sometimes they don't have time. Sometimes they lose their enthusiasm. Sometimes they just don't know how to keep up. While they're in "bland" mode, they generally don't read the posts. They'll post maybe every month or so just to keep their presence in the game...problem is, since they don't read the posts & know the story, their posts tend to be confusing.

Know what though? From Devoted to Bland, every player is a part of your team. And every team member can have an impact on the story. Whatever kind of player you are, you just have to find your niche & not apologize. You do what you can do. Some can do more. Some will do less. When a game goes as long as ours has, we have players come 'n go 'n then come back again.

Each one is always welcome. You just never know when that sporadic player will become a devoted one, or the recreational will become a bland player for awhile.

After's a game. And the game goes on.


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