More from Hawk...
List, Part-2: Dragon*Con 2007 Memories, from Hawk
1. You CAN dance with a sword on your back.
2. Only at Evening in Bree does the song "Merry Merry May" = Macarena dancing.
3. Armour is NOT good for dancing--especially full chain mail.
4. Registered nurses, docs and First Responders like to dress up as Elves and Hobbits.
5. People love Carmen Sandiego--and DragonCon-ers want to catch her too!
6. "Munchkins" doesn't just mean characters from Wizard of Oz...its a game, too!
7. The silent ones are the most dangerous.
8. Don't let Hawk near the Pinata.
9. Beware the Harley Quinn with the mallet...or was it the hyenas?
10. James Mamoa looks EXACTLY like his character.
11. Ten pounds of candy is not enough to throw during the parade (30lb per person! )
12. Beware the Stormtroopers-- it might be a star inside!
13. Bohemian Rhaspody in a full elevator = great times!!!
Ooooh...I was in that elevator. It does equal great times!!!