A world without adults was a pretty intense place to live. Competition for every scrap of food or piece of clothing or drink of water. Even competition to breathe if you happened to cross Zoot or some other Big Bad
And, gee, whaddaya know? Can't just duck out and take a weekend off at Six Flags or Club Med or Disneyland. You got what you got -- intense, real, messy.
So what did characters do for a break when the going got a bit too rough?
Ah, they went walkabout.
Bray did it a lot but only short-term. Usually he was just exercising his "loner" tendencies (well, except for that one time he schitzed out about Amber being kidnapped & went on a drinking binge). Trudy had her own little walk-out when the baby got too much to deal with. (Luckily Dal went with her; her luck held when she barely escaped being taken by slavers.) Jack took the long walk after he found out his love actually loved another.
But hey, they all came back. No harm, no foul.
Still that's one thing we haven't emulated so much in KTDARPG. Sure players/characters come 'n go. Players go on vacation or take extended leaves and put their characters some place safe until they get back.
But generally in the game we find ways to deal and have a bit of fun along the way. Examples? Skateboard competitions. Soccer matches. "Solstice Day" with its parades & free food & music & fireworks. Even just slumber parties or dinner parties or an occasional Girls' Night Out.
All work 'n no play holds in our game-world just as it does in the real world. Hey, if it ain't fun? Then why are we here?
Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"
what´s that movie called? i definitely need to know it! looks a bit like mad max...