What was more unlikely than the friendship between Alice 'n Lex? Sure, it had a rocky start but when the dust cleared...well, Alice would've been dead if not for Lex.
Real friends are kinda scarce in our post-apocalyptic gameworld. There's too much competition for shelter, food, other resources. You count on your tribe if you're lucky enough to have one. You don't count on the kindness of strangers. That friendly smile could hide the knife in the dark.
Don't get me wrong--there are friends. Most definitely are.
Some friendships are based on mutual need. Usually short term, for sure, but no less real.
Some are based on respect; not quite the same and not always mutual, but still mostly dependable.
Some are even based on affection. Rare enough in a world gone mad. Feelings are dicey and often fickle. You're grateful for them. You cling to them while they last. And you let fate play out.
The ones based on shared strengths seem to last the longest. Those friendships are not all give, not all take.
They can save your life.
Maybe even your soul.
Photo source: copyright Cloud-9, "The Tribe"
Nice Blog...great reviews..