While the old folks say conversation is a lost art -- sabotaged by video games and computers and tv and other pieces of our electronic lives -- I'm gonna disagree strongly with that sentiment. We know how to talk, know how to listen. We may not always display our expertise in these areas, but that doesn't mean we don't know how.
The art of conversation is doing well and being practiced skillfully in our game.
A while back, our Game Master added some words to the game-site introduction. He added the phrase "for the reality of the game and the beauty of the writing." And that means something.
If for no other reason, I recommend KTDARPG to my friends even if all they do is read the posts. Because the story can be downright dramatic and fascinating at times -- active, intriguing, interesting, nail-biting. But the conversations? That's how you learn about our characters. What they say, how they express themselves.
Come and see.
Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"
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