In case our Gentle Reader may be lost in the many plotlines & story twists presently occurring in KTDARPG, this synopsis may be of some assistance:
The Dynesraad is currently meeting at the Misfits warehouse, debating what to do about Saber killing Tara (and West) as well as what to do about Brena & Tara's baby (who also got killed). Scarecrow's got his hands full with those whacked-out babes.
Rex is New in Town, has rented a building from Drake & is moving in to set up shop. We just don't know what kind of shop he's setting up yet.
Now that Drake has bankrolled Valentine to set up a New Bar, the former anarchist now has to come to grips with being a capitalist.
Who is Seth? A self-styled Warlord? Why is he collecting fighters the way some people collect stamps? And what was Ishmael scoping out...for whom?
Over at the River Rats ... Jean's losing her marbles. Jason's pissed off & drunk at the farm. Krystal's at the Dynesraad meeting. And somebody's put a bounty on the lovebirds' heads.
Our Prince of the City & his gang of...well, deputies I guess...are headed into the night to take back the streets from the thugs & other losers. Does this mean an even higher body count in our fair city?
Villa's having fun playing Games, adding to the body count all by her schizo-self. Can our man Bug survive this wierd night? But it seems like such a perfect night for Marionette's brand of fun.
Speaking of Bodies, they're stacking up like cordwood out back of the Misfits.
Missing in Action: No clue what's happening with Sid & Ransom, Hawk & Creed. Shikra's faded into the woodwork for now, too.
And the adventure continues... -Chyna
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