Saturday, September 30, 2006


To all my fellow KTDARPG players -- Congratulations!

Tonight, you polished off the month of September with an incredible 606 posts!

In 24 months of gaming, we've only broken 600 once before, guys--in March 2006 when we did 638 posts & set the game record that still stands.

We didn't break the record tonight, but wow! And the stories just keep gettin' better and better. Good job!


New Team Member

This week we welcome a new team member to "Chyna's Closet." Ladies & Gents, meet Ransom. This girl is different from most of us in KTDARPG. She's an experienced rpg-er. Most especially, she's experienced with live-action role play. That usually translates into fun! The characters she creates in the game are unique, to say the least. I never know what she's gonna do next or from which direction she's gonna come.

Ransom's also the one who got me involved in KTDARPG back in the day. Thanks, Woman! (I think!)

As soon as she gets her head into it, Ransom promises she'll be giving us some insider info on rpg-ing. Things like slang, game-terms, and maybe just a different viewpoint on our play & how we interact with each other.

Look for her blog-entries in the future.


Thursday, September 28, 2006



That's such a great word.

See everything. Know everything.
Find everything. Own everything.
Do everything. Say everything.
Hear everything. Learn everything.
Kill everything. Read everything.
Buy everything. Take everything.

"Everything" is a power word. The concept of is even more powerful, implying truly super-human characteristics.

For example, to truly "see everything," you'd have to have Superman's x-ray vision. To do everything (or read/buy/own everything), you'd have to be immortal & probably as rich as Midas. To learn everything, you'd have to be Mr. Spock & mindmeld the living universe. To hear everything, you'd need the Bionic Woman's hearing implant. To find everything, you'd have to be Laura Croft AND be immortal.

It's a great concept. A powerful concept. A wickedly creative concept. It's a concept that plays well in a sci-fi or fantasy movie or comic book.

It's not a concept that works well inside a role-playing game, whether the game is live or virtual.


[Opinions expressed are strictly those of the writer.]

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Who are we?

A new conversation has come up about KTDARPG. Who are we? Promotionally speaking, are we a role-playing game based on a now-defunct tv series called The Tribe? Or are we an rpg based on a premise, that being our Core Plotline: A virus has killed all the adults in the world. Now how do the kids survive to build a new one? And what kind of world will they build?

Especially "promotionally speaking," as we reach out to find other players/members/readers for the game, will they know The Tribe? Will they care? Will they find the rpg because of an interest in the tv show, or because the idea of a kids-only world is intriguing unto itself?

Most of us in-game today came because of The Tribe. We know the basic premise for us is the title of the game itself: Keep The Dream Alive. But moving forward...? Ah, there's the rub. The show that was our passion is only available in reruns (limited). Those of us who were lucky just attended what may be one of the last Tribal Gathering's on the planet. So what of the future?

Good luck to the Game Master & his Moderators as they hash this one out. We all want the game to continue to grow & thrive--we get new players all the time, and the fun goes on. But branding is the catchword these days...being unique, finding your audience, advertising, promotion. (Hey, that's the real-world business Chyna deals with, so believe me when I say I can appreciate the challenges.)

As things develop, we'll keep you posted.


Friday, September 22, 2006

In case you're lost

In case our Gentle Reader may be lost in the many plotlines & story twists presently occurring in KTDARPG, this synopsis may be of some assistance:

The Dynesraad is currently meeting at the Misfits warehouse, debating what to do about Saber killing Tara (and West) as well as what to do about Brena & Tara's baby (who also got killed). Scarecrow's got his hands full with those whacked-out babes.

Rex is New in Town, has rented a building from Drake & is moving in to set up shop. We just don't know what kind of shop he's setting up yet.

Now that Drake has bankrolled Valentine to set up a New Bar, the former anarchist now has to come to grips with being a capitalist.

Who is Seth? A self-styled Warlord? Why is he collecting fighters the way some people collect stamps? And what was Ishmael scoping out...for whom?

Over at the River Rats ... Jean's losing her marbles. Jason's pissed off & drunk at the farm. Krystal's at the Dynesraad meeting. And somebody's put a bounty on the lovebirds' heads.

Our Prince of the City & his gang of...well, deputies I guess...are headed into the night to take back the streets from the thugs & other losers. Does this mean an even higher body count in our fair city?

Villa's having fun playing Games, adding to the body count all by her schizo-self. Can our man Bug survive this wierd night? But it seems like such a perfect night for Marionette's brand of fun.

Speaking of Bodies, they're stacking up like cordwood out back of the Misfits.

Missing in Action: No clue what's happening with Sid & Ransom, Hawk & Creed. Shikra's faded into the woodwork for now, too.

And the adventure continues... -Chyna

Thursday, September 21, 2006

oh my

Chyna's been catching up on all the great posts from the past 2 days.
Hmmm... Who'd have thought?
A guy doing "drama queen" better than the drama queens?
This is priceless!


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

The "New"

One of the fun things about a text-based rpg is watching our players try new things--new character styles, new plot twists, new strategies, new ways of writing.

The "newest" comes courtesy of our Game Master. He's introduced "Rex," a new male character for season-5 (with an as-yet-unidentified agenda) and a very exotic twist. One of the ways in which readers/players will learn more about this character is through a separately devised weblog presented as "Rex's Diary."

The web-link for the new blog is included in the list at right. It's introduction makes this teasing promise:

Someone in the KTDARPG world has found a diary. Through it he'll
be telling his daily story--through his happenings in the rpg and
around the happenings of the game. He writes his diary addressing
it as if to his father who died from the adult-killing virus. He will be
telling his story through his diary as he sees the world, including
real world as well as in-game updates, gossip and information.

It's a bold experiment. Because the diary's not in-game, what's revealed there is not considered "bible" for the game itself. Yet the potential to go deep into one character's mind & how he sees the game-world around him? That's definitely new & intriguing.

Ah, but this IS our illustrious Game Master. He's been known on more than one occasion to twist us players--challenge us--as the game keeps growing & changing.

Be sure to check out "Rex's Diary." Then stick around & see where this particular twist takes us.


Sunday, September 17, 2006

Managing "complexity"

Next month will mark KTDARPG's 2nd Anniversary -- 2 years, 5 seasons, 60 members, a dozen active players, almost 9,000 posts ... that's a lot of good work, people!

With all these milestones, the game keeps getting more complex on us. We're constantly look for or creating tools to help us manage our game for the maximum benefit of the players AND the story itself.'s what we've come up with so far:

1) Character Database - so we can get a handle on all the active players in the game.
2) "On Vacation" Database - so we know what characters are out there, even if they aren't currently active in-game.
3) Book of the Dead - pays homage to all the great characters who gave their lives for the story!
4) Seasonal Digests - story summaries of the game seasons, so readers (and new players) can get a handle on our game-story so far without having to wade through thousands of posts. Three seasons have been completed, with S4 in the works.
5) Character Biographies - brief histories/notes on primary, secondary & even some of the more active NPC characters in the game.
6) Blogs - like "Chyna's Closet" & "Hawk-eye View" that help explain some of the backstory or just the ins & outs of the game itself.
7) Newsletters - both in-game & out of game, to help explain some of the action & just to help us all connect as players--and characters!
8) Maps - always helps to know the landscape you're playing in. From the first hand-drawn map by our Game Master, to Hawk's new -n- improved computer-generated map (coming soon!), our world grows & we try to keep up with it.

One more tool was initiated in-game today. "Find the right Post #" is a database of post-numbers for the game's major events & Big Moments--the things that tend to either repeat themselves or be referenced by players in their storylines. The database (a work in progress) will follow game seasons & reference things like the Brotherhood invasion of Fort River, the release of the 2nd Virus (the kid-killing one!), and the first Fort River city elections. Our players aren't shy, so I'm sure they'll let somebody know if the new database is a waste of space!

Anyway, there you have it--we try to manage complexity as best we can. First & foremost, KTDARPG is meant to be FUN!!! Can't let pesky details get in the way of that. :)


Saturday, September 16, 2006

Creative High

It's fun to watch...and Chyna's been watching a lot of it the past 10 days or so.


Something's kicked our players in their collective asses. Suddenly even some of our long-term players are going in new directions. Characters who I would've sworn to be precisely predictable...aren't. Players are taking risks. They're wearing new faces, thinking new thoughts, doing new things!

There are at least 4 major plot-threads happening in-game right now, any of which could blow up to be the driving force of game season-5. It's anybody's guess--but the competition is on! After two kinda dull seasons, this one is the Big One. This season could define KTDARPG for the next year.

Speaking of which, KTDARPG's 2nd Anniversary is coming up next month. Two years...what a ride.

I can't wait to see what happens next.


Photo source: Chyna's private collection

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Game Season 5

It doesn't have a name yet, but Season 5 of KTDARPG is developing some interesting storylines. LOTS of players are active & posting! Let's see...we've got Scarecrow, Marionette, Prince, Ransom, Saber, Faylee, Vixen, Brena, Tori, Arianna, Sid, Sable, Bug--I've probably missed somebody. This is the largest cast of players we've had in months! Way to go, guys!

The Misfits' warehouse is getting crowded. The River Rats are starting to be not-so-stable, which is a huge change. Fort River is in turmoil--tribes fighting tribes--the body count is starting to go up considerably. Sheriff Prince is back with a gang of deputies, but who knows if even HE can control the madness. Sid's back in town...agenda, unknown. Dread's gone, and Drake has decided to bankroll Valentine for her first venture into capitalism. And while the Vixens tribe was decimated by the Brotherhood back in Season-1, it looks like at least one of them is still around & maybe out for revenge...but against who?

Ah, springtime in Fort River. Miss a day, and you'll miss a lot.

Stop by & check out the story as it develops. Better yet, find a character for yourself & join the fun!


Photo source: Chyna's private collection

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

D*C Impressions, Part-4

Last week at this time, I was driving back from Dragon*Con, headed home. Exhausted, wiped out, ready for SLEEP & glad I still had a few days before going back to work. Was it worth it? Lord, yes--a hundred times over!

No matter how many people tell you about Dragon*Con, it doesn't make sense until you're there, right in the middle of about 40,000 crazy people in downtown Atlanta. My friends & I were there for "The Tribe" (and "Silk Road); but any scifi, fantasy or otherwordly media was fodder for the 24/7 gristmill of the con. Books, bands, comics--dealers, exhibits, stars--music, maniacs, pirates, stormtroopers, evil overlords--the list just goes on 'n on. I think I saw the sun come up every single day of the convention (though I'm not saying what kinda shape I was in at the time). Something about the atmosphere & the people drives you to experience as much as you can before it's over.

Chyna's not likely to forget:
~~ Lex at the drum circle every single night (AND I got a kiss from the bad boy himself, for which I have witnesses!)
~~ Real live River Rats right out of our game & in the flesh.
~~ The Romulan Commander (with/without ears).
~~ Falling in love at least 3 times--and that was the first night of the con!
~~ Mickey Rooney, still going strong after all these years.
~~ Kevin Sorbo.
~~ Girls in duct-tape costumes (yuch! ... & ... ouch?).
~~ Real-world hugs from our KTDARPG players beat the virtual ones every single time--and discovering that these people we play with are just as much fun, and creative, and DANGEROUS in real life as they are in the game!

If you weren't there, WHY NOT? (umm...sorry 'bout that.) Anyway, be sure to check out the photos that've started to appear on our game-site. Anybody with specific questions or requests, just ask me. I could happily talk about Dragon*Con until my laryngitis comes back.

To Ransom, Hawk, Xeno ... thanks, guys.
Without the 3 of you? It wouldn't have been nearly as great.


Sunday, September 10, 2006

D*C Impressions, Part-3

Dragon*Con was awesome. The best part was meeting KTDARPG players in the real world. So the first part of my "Impressions" series will be about them. Even with masks off, we found friends & not just crazy game-players.

"Enigma" (n.): One who is puzzling, ambiguous, inexplicable; a riddle. That definition fits Xeno. "Mercurial" is also good. In other words, as he is in game, he's pretty much the same in real life.

Xeno came the farthest of all of us to attend Dragon*Con--some 5,000 miles. I met him right after Ransom finished his whirlwind tour of Atlanta the night before the con started. Tall, dark, soft-spoken, with a smile that lit up his face--probably still a bit jetlagged out & with his "company manners" very much in evidence...this was the man who'd been my writing partner many times over the past 18 months, who'd challenged me, frustrated me, and ultimately showed me sides of myself--and facets of the world--I hadn't really understood before.

As we say in the game, Xeno is Xeno. For the 4 days of the con, that was constantly proven. "Loner" comes to mind, discovering the convention & following his interests on his own, appearing now & then so we knew he was alive & well and (hopefully) enjoying himself. "Private" comes to mind, always willing to discuss the game or "The Tribe" or his favorite panel sessions (he's also a fan of "Lost", Tolkein & "Dune"), but pretty much keeping the rest of himself TO himself. Mostly I think he was a man trying to see & do everything (weren't we all?) and at the same time not be totally overwhelmed by this huge 40,000-people blow-out of a convention.

Scenes I won't forget: Xeno at Hard Rock. Xeno in the dealers' room, as blown away as the rest of us by how expensive everything was. Masked Xeno with the rest of the River Rats in the Tribe costume competition (you guys should've won that!). Xeno yelling for Hawk to "save him" from Chyna. (You had to be there to understand that one!) Xeno brooding, alone in a crowd. Xeno dancing.

No heavy conversations. Actually, not much conversation at all. A last hug & good-bye. When the dust cleared, I was left with a new appreciation of our Game Master--his talents, his inspirations, even some of his motivations.

A friend? Xeno being Xeno...I'm not really sure. I guess we'll see.


Saturday, September 09, 2006

D*C Impressions, Part-2

Dragon*Con was awesome. The best part was meeting KTDARPG players in the real world. So the first part of my "Impressions" series will be about them. Even with masks off, we found friends & not just crazy game-players.

Inside KTDARPG all her characters are colorful, interesting, unique. A quasi-innocent amnesiac skater-chick, a hard-core AK functionary, a Jamaican-accented shadow man...she also holds the record for one of the game's icky-est moments. (Still can't get the "poppin' pigeon heads" scene outa my mind, after all this time!) Ransom is the one who introduced me to the game; and though you never know what she'll do next, one thing is predictable: her generosity to other players. She's a great partner, and she can bring a scene to life!

The player is the person I discovered at Dragon*Con--a colorful, interesting, unique woman. She was the 1st person I met, the 1st hug among old/new friends, the one who showed me sides to the convention I wouldn't have found otherwise. Her generosity is bone-deep. If I needed advice, direction, guidance, help or just a quiet corner to hide in for a deep breath between adventures...Ransom was the one I counted on. She's also as colorful in person as she is in game, but that doesn't begin to describe the grace & beauty & genuineness of spirit that come naturally to her. And while I knew she danced? I had NO IDEA what that truly meant until I saw her teaching others & then taking to the floor for a demonstration of what she can do. Awesome.

Scenes I won't forget: Ransom in full "Moulin Rouge" attire--at an industrial rave! Ransom as a "Chinese Lady" illustrating what the word "graceful" means. Ransom at the drum circle. Ransom playing task-mistress & keeping us all in line & on schedule (NOT an easy task!). Ransom nervous as a cat over an upcoming improv performance--and afterward smiling in triumph, knowing she nailed it. Ransom relaxed at dinner, talking about next year's convention & all the possibilities.

I knew Ransom before KTDARPG because of our "Tribe" interests. She introduced me to the game, and she's been my friend through a lot of ups & downs. She keeps me grounded. In case I didn't say it at the con...thanks, Woman.


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

D*C Impressions, Part-1

Dragon*Con was awesome. The best part was meeting KTDARPG players in the real world. So the first part of my "Impressions" series will be about them. Even with masks off, we found friends & not just crazy game-players.

OK, what can I say about Hawk? She was exactly as I expected. Chyna & Hawk were always friends--no, closer than that--in game. We found the same cameraderie & interests & viewpoints & passions in real-world too. We may have jokingly dubbed ourselves the Sisters of Power & Chaos for the game...we found out there's definitely some truth to that saying.

Hawk is tall & wears a variety of faces. For the convention, you never knew if you'd see her in the guise of the Romulan Commander, a Lady out for an evening in Bree, or a Bird of Prey. One thing I generally counted on--she'd have a weapon on her somewhere. That's our Hawk! She was also the woman who got us into the great Pirate & Klingon parties. We just had to keep reminding ourselves: Romulan ale is illegal FOR A REASON!

Watching Hawk at the convention (and she's a veteran, where Chyna was most definitely a convention-virgin) was most instructive. It seemed like she knew EVERYBODY, and she was always willing to pitch in & lend a hand. Her enthusiasm was catching, part of the reason I had such a good time. We had this pact, going in. Hawk promised me she'd break type & not disappear into the woodwork during down-time. She kept that promise, and she kept Chyna company when I was totally lost! (Thanks, girl!)

Scenes I won't forget: Hawk at the rave--where I learned that, for her, dancing is just another martial artform. Hawk bandying insults with VERY TALL Klingons in full battle gear. Hawk in bird-of-prey makeup (I wouldn't have known her if I walked right past her). Hawk with her real-world family. Hawk sleeping, storing up energy between convention events. Hawk & Xeno--talking, laughing, debating, sharing a meal. The best part? No blood was shed. (If you've followed the game at all, you understand how much of a miracle that is!)

By whatever names we call ourselves, Hawk is a friend. In-game or real-world. I'm really glad I can say that...


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

special note

Just a note: You said you'd check out "Chyna's Closet" & the KTDARPG game-site (the link's to your right). I hope you do. If you're here & reading this ... thank you. For the shoulder & the company during the con. For understanding when nobody else did, that I was afraid of that Dark. I won't forget. -Chyna

Watch this space

Ok, guys. Chyna's home from a FANTASTIC Dragon*Con. I've had 5 hours of sleep out of the last 50 & just finished a looooong drive home. I have laryngitis & am deaf in one ear from Sunday night's rave, but I had to drop a note to let you know that convention reports will indeed be coming. If you weren't among the 40,000 or so people there, you missed an awesome experience. The Tribe guys were excellent, and meeting some of my fellow KTDARPG players was even better.

(Oh, happy to report: while there were a few deep bruises, no blood was shed!)

So, more is coming. And expect photos from the convention to be posted at the game site--including the first ever photos of ACTUAL RIVER RATS!!!!

Watch this space!
