Once upon a time a long time ago, back when Yahoo ruled the web, in a small chat room, at TribeWorld (http://www.tribeworld.com/chat/chat1.html) some one mentioned that we needed a way to chat, when we don’t happen to be all online, and so the Web-Tribes were born. The first one was created by me called, and named by some of the members at the chat room KTDAtribe or “Keep The Dream Alive” and was set up at a Yahoo group (the group was closed, and erased last year) another shortly after was created at MSN groups with the same name (http://groups.msn.com/KTDA) among others with other names.
Other sites have appeared about the KTDA idea including (http://rap.midco.net/ktda), although none of these sites have been active in over a year.
A couple of months into the group of KTDAtribe it was again suggested that a RPG should be created, and as the founder of KTDAtribe, I created on Oct 17, 2004 10:59 am, another group at Yahoo groups called KTDARPG (http://tv.groups.yahoo.com/group/KTDARPG).
Today we have 61 members, 8209 messages, 4 Blogs, 1 Wiki (http://ktdarpg.pbwiki.com/) and are linked to from over 100 sites. A simple web search shows that we are the most successful Tribe based RPG online!
Thank you everyone for making this possible!
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