Tuesday, June 13, 2006

D*C Review: Bray

In honor of the Tribal Gathering at Dragon*Con 2006, a review's in order. Our focus today is Bray, played by D*C first-timer Dwayne Cameron.

Bray appeared in the first 3 seasons of The Tribe and very briefly in S-4. He was described as an "eco-warrior," a mysterious loner who generally kept his own secrets & apparently (as our photos show) was quite the thing with the ladies. :)

Bray was the brother of Zoot & uncle to Trudy's baby Brady. By the end of his run with The Tribe, he was also the father of Amber's baby Bray.

From his first appearance in S-1, Bray & Lex were oil & water. Lex saw him as a threat, specifically to Lex's plan to be in charge of the newly formed Mallrats. And the fire really flared when people learned Zoot was his kid-brother. But after a few arguments, a few fights & a lot of episodes, they learned to tolerate each other.

Bray was the target for Trudy's amorous notions (she wanted a home & a daddy for her baby, & Bray was the perfect target). But Salene was the one who first caught his eye. That didn't last long...next up was Amber, which turned out by the end of the story to be True Love.

Then there was S-2. Amber was apparently dead. Then Bray meets Danni, who has Amber's sense of fairness & democracy (though not quite her subtlety or leadership qualities). We also learn in S-2 a bit of Bray's pre-Tribe history with Ebony. (Does this boy get around or what?)

By S-3 Danni had disappeared & Amber was back for the fight with the Guardian. Once the fight was over, Amber was kidnapped. At this point? Well, let's just say Bray...changed. He gets depressed, then drunk. He gets beat up by the Mozzies & winds up with Moon throwing herself at him. (Sorry but I couldn't find a Moon-photo!)

Bray was a teen-aged loner, lover, fighter, leader, strategist, chemist (remember the antedote formula?) & almost a martyr. He also did a fair imitation of Zoot, enough to fool the Guardian in the end.

Dwayne Cameron portrayed one of the most popular characters in The Tribe. Glad fans will have a chance to meet him at Dragon*Con!

Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

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