People react differently to surprises. Some love 'em. Some hate 'em. Some divide 'em into distinct categories--"good" surprises & "bad" surprises.
It's kinda fun to watch all this play out in KTDARPG. If you read the game long enough, you start to predict who likes what. Examples? Not all of our players are neatly categorized, but here are a few...
Hawk & Xeno & Sid--strong players, dominant players. Especially dominent through their characters in the game. Each one of them absolutely loves planning surprises for everybody else. And just as surely, each one of them will lambast a plot twist or sudden development that they didn't see coming. (In all fairness, that doesn't last long. They get over it and start plotting how best to turn the "surprise" to their advantage.)
Arianna & Prince & Chyna (that would be me)--thrive on surprises. It's what keeps us from getting bored. Who wants a nice, safe game where nothing happens? Not us!
Krystal is the thoughtful one. Confronted with a surprise, she is the "wise child." She'll sit back & take stock, look at everything from all sides, then decide what to do.
With so many creative minds in this game, it's hard not to be surprised every so often. And when the "surprise" is something major to take the game in a new direction? Why not? My advice is always: explore it, go with it, see where it takes you. Life is full of surprises. --Chyna
Hey, I was just out blogging around, and I ran across your blog! I just wanted you to know I enjoy your's, and I plan on coming back for more updates! Have a great day!