Sunday, March 05, 2006


I finally did it. After several months, tonight I finished reducing our game's Season-2: "Winter," to story form. Now we have the story to refer back to for what happened during the past season & don't have to wade through all the posts. Believe me, wading through 100s of posts to reconstruct something that happened is terrifically hard. The story digest makes it a lot easier.

Don't misunderstand, producing the digest isn't easy. The sum of all our game-pots is rich in detail, dialogue & action. For the digests I have to pick 'n choose--what to preserve for the storyline, what to sacrifice, and how to summarize action without showing every detail. Definitely not easy.

The writer in me enjoys this task. Digesting keeps the story's past fresh in my mind...and it's a good story. Another small thing...all this reading definitely gives me ideas for upcoming plot twists. There's a wealth of tiny, minor details I'm sure my fellow players have forgotten in the rush of new writing & new strategies. Won't it be interesting when some of those details come back & bite 'em in the butt? :)
Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I was just out blogging around, and I ran across your blog! I just wanted you to know I enjoy your's, and I plan on coming back for more updates! Have a great day!
