"The Tribe"
Remembering where we started... I pulled out my season-1 "The Tribe" dvds last night and spent a few hours remembering why I enjoy this so much.
Premise: The modern, technology-dependent world as we know it is gone. A virus has killed all the adults. Only children are left to figure out how to live on tinned foods, bottled water, battery power--and competition for every resource. The strong survive; the weak are trampled under foot. After the first wave of despair & frenzied looting, the kids begin to form into tribes (think gangs) to defend what they have & start to re-build their world.
"The Tribe" has some great characters, especially in season-1. Zoot, leader of the Locos, the strongest & most dangerous tribe in the city. Ebony, Zoot's woman, crazy as he is, high-priestess to his madness. Amber, one of the Mallrats & usually their reluctant leader, concerned for her friends, known for her fairness & common sense. Bray, tall eco-warrior who finds it hard to commit to anything in this world; but once he does, his commitment is complete. Taisan, new-age hippy. Lex, all brass & bravado but few plans on how to get where he wants to go. Trudy, a young mother. Jack, scientist & problem-solver. Salene, struggling with self-image & bulemia. Zandra, Dal...so many others. All unique. All survivors.
In KTDARPG, a lot of our characters are inspired by those originals. We have our version of Zoot and Ebony, Amber and Bray, and many of the others. Knowing the originals helps us visualize our own characters & build them into unique people in the game. We think about their styles in clothes & makeup, their actions, their plots & schemes, the way they talk and live, what motivates them, the dangers they faced & the challenges they overcame. Yeah, it helps.Any time I'm looking for inspiration or just a new plot twist, I always head back to my dvds or just catch an episode on tv (re-runs still pop up on cable usually every day). Hard to beat the creativity of "The Tribe" and the world the writers and producers and actors created for us. -ChynaPhoto source: all photos copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"
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