You've created your very own character & brought him/her into the game. What's next? Time to move.
In Keep the Dream Alive rpg, play is text-based. But the writing that's involved should not intimidate. We focus on ideas & plots & dialogue, not on whether grammar is English-class perfect. There are a few rules & directions on the mechanics of "how" to post your play into the game. But that's where rules end & fun starts.
Tip # 1: Stay true to your character. That's the easiest thing to say but the hardest to do sometimes. Fix a really strong image of your character in your mind, especially when you react to what's happening inside the game. If your character's words & moves are consistent, other players will learn what to expect from you & what your goals and ambitions are.
Tip # 2: Have a goal. Even if it's as simple as being accepted into a group or making friends. If you're one of those people who come into a game, read the backstory, see where the game's going AND figure out how to twist it in a new direction with your character in the lead--MORE POWER TO YOU! Those are the players that frustrate the shit out of me & challenge me to be better. (Yes--I happen to like those kinds of players!)
Tip # 3: Ask. Games usually have moderators who'll work with players & help you when you need it. Gamers are also willing to chat, give advice or even cooperate when you have a story idea that involves multi-characters. But you have to ask. (In KTDARPG, Chyna is one of a handful of moderators. If I can ever be of help, always willing!)
Tip # 4: Have fun! C'mon, it's a game--don't get too serious (although "competitive" is always a good!) or too hung up on rules. When they get in the way, we just tend to ditch 'em. -Chyna
Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"
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