2. Making an Entrance
Second, decide how you want to play it. Are you gonna ease your way in & stay in the background awhile? Will you try to join a team of characters already working together? Will you come in & challenge one of the main characters for dominance? Fill a void you can see the game needs (teacher, healer, underdog, holy man, computer expert)? Or will you carve out your own place & your own storyline? Lots of options!
Once you know what's happening & how your character will fit in, time to write up the scene & get in the game.
Easing your way in is the simplest way. Recently in KTDARPG, our city had a huge influx of refugees (great opportunities for new players to join). Also recently we had a special Solstice Celebration that drew characters from throughout our territory (also great openings for new players). You can start as part of a crowd, or just walking down a street describing what your character sees. It won't be long before you'll hook up & start interacting with other characters.
Joining an existing team has lots of advantages. KTDARPG has "tribes" -- ready-made families, lots of different people with different skills & interests. Joining a tribe (or any kind of team) gives your character an immediate group-identity & also a group-view of the game world that you can build on as you move forward. Filling a void also gives you an immediate identity & reputation. Every game needs its healers/medics, its teachers (and a lot depends on what it is needs to be "taught"), even its politicians & shopkeepers & security guards.
Carving out your own place in the game is the most fun of all, but it's not the easiest thing you can do. This is usually something more experienced gamers do effectively, because you really need good writing & plotting & strategy skills. Still--why not give it a try? What you do is analyze the game to date, see where you have an opening to come in with your character & twist the storyline in a new direction. You have to know your character really well & be very specific about what s/he can do & can contribute to the story.
However you choose to do it--get in the game! You'll never know how much fun it is until you play! And once you're inside, you can watch how other players portray their characters & develop them within the story. We learn by doing...
Next time, Step-3: Now I'm here, what do I do?
Photo source: copyright Renaissance Pictures
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