For myself, I prefer the Big Picture. Because I have several characters that I'm moving around the board (and because I choose not to define the world only one way), it's easier to watch other players & appreciate what they're doing with their characters. It's also easier to respond according to the moves another player makes, rather than only according to one persona.
Wait. Did that make sense? I'm not sure it did. Let me try again.
The characters I create are not meant to put ME into the game. Instead, each character is meant to either react to or "comment on" a particular view of the world. Some may represent personalities I've encountered in real-time. Others are just expedient; they serve a short purpose (starting a riot, distracting another character, selling somebody food or clothes), and then they go away.
This lets me keep some distance from the game (always good!). It also lets me stretch and try new things. One day I'm a 15-year-old girl coping with the death of her sister. Another day I'm an 18-year-old guy trying to convince the girl he loves that she should love him in return. And maybe just as important, all this keeps me seeing the game's Big Picture. I can see where we've been & where we're going, and sometimes whether or not where we're going makes any sense.
If it doesn't? Well, they don't call me "Sister of Chaos" for nothing! It can be incredibly easy to toss a pebble in the river and create new swirls ... new currents ... new directions. (What's that old saying about "for the want of a nail a shoe was lost, for want of a shoe a horse was lost ..."?) If you see the Big Picture, yeah, one character can make such a difference & change the world.
It's fun to watch how other players operate. It's fun seeing the broad landscape of our game-world, rather than just the small patch in front of my character's face. -Chyna
Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"
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