So, where are we going? If recent posts are any indication...
Hawk is just plain old getting tired. Tired of fighting, tired of losing people she cares about. She's lost too many friends recently, especially the Birds of Prey who fell to the AKs. Hawk is tired of politics, tired of being responsible for or in charge of everything, tired of trying to figure out people. And most especially tired of being in the city. This "wild child" needs a re-charge vacation back in the woods...and maybe take that tall brown-eyed Traveler with her.
Prince & Sid and the Reapers are still figuring things out. (And one can ask, what happened to the New Republic & the Renegades? good ideas whose time ran out too fast?) Once they get the AKs out of their system, will they turn into "Robin Hood" types, robbing the haves to give to the have-nots? Or just find a campfire somewhere & stay stoned until spring? Depending on what challenges them, it could get really interesting or really boring.
Then we have Lion-F & The Way. Is there anything more off-putting than blind obedience & blind worship? The Way is a good concept--especially when you put it together with that document just published in the Fort River News--but ... Lion-F? The Brotherhood bad boy? The Way followers will certainly give him something he never had in the Brotherhood--a power base that's more moral than military. He could just find that being "adored" has as many drawbacks as being hated.
The Misfits are heading into a rough patch, especially once Arianna finds out Judge is dead. That's gonna hurt. Her tribe has dwindled to a handful of small ones. Prince is now a Reaper, Adear is an AK (or is she?), and Rourke is too obsessed with finding Adear to stay put in the warehouse. Sid was also a Misfit at one point, now a Reaper. That leaves Breya to decide if she'll join the tribe & stick around to give Ari a hand. Could be a long cold winter in that warehouse.
More next time... -Chyna
Photo Source: copyright Cloud 9 "The Tribe"
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