And yes, the first response I get is: "Well you can watch all the episodes online! They're all right there waiting for you!"
But! But but but but...
Online is fine for The Tribe's true fans who want to indulge in their nostalgia on a rainy afternoon when there's nothing else to do. But if you look at the examples of "Star Trek," "Big Bang Theory," even "The Brady Bunch," you'll see that the biggest bonus of syndication and reruns is that they draw NEW FANS! And more and more fans are exactly what The Tribe needs when you look at the international push for "more."
Besides, I'm old-school. I don't watch eps online. Never have, maybe never will. I have some episodes recorded and watch them when I want to remember some detail specifically. But that's not recreation.
The Tribe reruns on, say, Wednesday night, 10:30pm. On Nick-at-Night or Freeform or the CW. You wait all week. You mention on FaceBook what you're doing. You get some friends together for pizza and Tribe-watching. It's fun, and it gets others involved too.
Just think about it, ok? You could also get sponsorships, which would be a nice income stream too, hmm?
That would be a really nice surprise present for 2017.
photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"