Is it time for some new directions?
Hey, guys! Lately several of us have been talking offline about Keep The Dream Alive rpg and how to shake it up/energize it & get people involved again. We know real-life always trumps game-life, but we also know KTDA may need to be re-tuned or ramped up to get everyone excited & playing more.
The following message from "Sid" summarizes pretty much what we've been talking about. See what you think:
On 07/15/13 "Sid" wrote:
"After 10 years I it time, not for an end but for a new beginning? A spin off of the world we've created? The number of posts speak for themselves; and though we can chalk this up to the game taking a back seat to life, can't we also blame boredom? Who would be interested in a time-jump of 20 years? 40 years? What would the world look like? Would the virus reemerge? Would we be left with new children searching for the cure to their inevitable demise, or children fighting for the land of they're ancestors? Would some defy the odds and claim old age, or will the cornerstones of our game be gone, only to leave room for a new breed? I think it's time to ask, if for nothing more than to ask."
Comments? Questions? Thoughts?
Please respond in-game (or to me or any moderator privately, if you prefer) and let's see what people think. After all, this is YOUR game-world. You brought it to life. Maybe it's time to take a look at where that life needs to head for the future.
-Chyna, Game Owner
P.S. Thanks, Sid, for pulling this all together so well!
Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe