Ok, I'm not exactly sure where this is comin' from right now, but it's rant-time.
Why why WHY do people think they ought to have something -- money, services, things, whatever -- simply because they are "entitled" to it?
Entitled how? Says who? I am so totally tired of dealing with the Entitled Generation, those who expect privileges just because they exist.
"I graduated college, so my 1st job should be company president & I should start at a million dollars." Really? "What do you mean, no discount? I'm over 50!" Seriously? "Everybody else my age (10!) has a smartphone, so I have to have one too--right now!" Oh give me a break...
Yeah, yeah, these are very simplified examples but I see it everywhere including my own family. And for those who know Chyna, they know exactly how I react when I hear it -- I laugh myself silly.
People, we all know it's a hard world out there. The economy tanked & "privilege" often means actually having a job with benefits or being able to pay your electric bill or buy food. And yes, we all try to maximize our situation any way we can. But seriously, expecting people to just GIVE whatever because you're you? What makes you that special?
At least Tribe-world makes more sense. "Entitled" means something totally different. Zoot was "entitled" to whatever he wanted because you knew he'd kick your ass if you said no. Right? In our game-world, you get what you get because of who & what you are, not just because you're breathing. (Well, yeah, Villa gets what she gets because you know she would kick your ass, too. That's just Villa. And she totally made me say that!)
All right, rant over.
And yes, I do feel better. Thanks!
photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"