From 2004 to 2019, my friends & I played the rpg "Keep the Dream Alive." The world was devastated by a virus that killed adults & left the kids to rebuild society. The game is based on the New Zealand show "The Tribe"--and we've taken its parameters to new heights. CHYNA'S CLOSET has ideas, thoughts & moments from game, show & life. All are welcome to our memories here. The Tribe still lives in our hearts!
Saturday, August 09, 2014
The Big 10!
Hey, guys! As many of you know, "Keep The Dream Alive" roleplaying game is getting set to celebrate its 10th anniversary. Can you believe it?? KTDA hit the streets of Fort River in October 2004, taking our appreciation for The Tribe tv show into roleplaying legend!
Wow... 10 years. A huge shout-out to Xeno, Arianna, Prince & all the other originals who took those first steps & set the course for the rest of us.
We're planning a stellar anniversary that includes a revitalized concept for our rp and... well... let's just say our infamous Council of Tribes is in discussions about a very special edition of "Tribe Awards."
So I just wanted to give all our players, members & fans a heads-up. Stay with us, celebrate our first 10 years, and get ready for a bright new future!
Stay tribal!
-Chyna, KTDA Game Owner
photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Open Message: All KTDA Members/Players
Is it time for some new directions?
Hey, guys! Lately several of us have been talking offline about Keep The Dream Alive rpg and how to shake it up/energize it & get people involved again. We know real-life always trumps game-life, but we also know KTDA may need to be re-tuned or ramped up to get everyone excited & playing more.
The following message from "Sid" summarizes pretty much what we've been talking about. See what you think:
On 07/15/13 "Sid" wrote:
"After 10 years I it time, not for an end but for a new beginning? A spin off of the world we've created? The number of posts speak for themselves; and though we can chalk this up to the game taking a back seat to life, can't we also blame boredom? Who would be interested in a time-jump of 20 years? 40 years? What would the world look like? Would the virus reemerge? Would we be left with new children searching for the cure to their inevitable demise, or children fighting for the land of they're ancestors? Would some defy the odds and claim old age, or will the cornerstones of our game be gone, only to leave room for a new breed? I think it's time to ask, if for nothing more than to ask."
Comments? Questions? Thoughts?
Please respond in-game (or to me or any moderator privately, if you prefer) and let's see what people think. After all, this is YOUR game-world. You brought it to life. Maybe it's time to take a look at where that life needs to head for the future.
-Chyna, Game Owner
P.S. Thanks, Sid, for pulling this all together so well!
Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
About Birthdays
Oh sure, the writers showed us the consequences of unprotected sex in the number of characters who had babies or came close to having them. (Mostly those consequences seemed to be all on the female ... strange ...)
Yeah, ok, we can all probably understand WHY The Tribe writers went the way they did. Keep the story focused on the action/situation. Move forward not backward. And the main character was always The Virus.
I'm glad. I like our characters.
photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"
Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Entitled? Says who?
Ok, I'm not exactly sure where this is comin' from right now, but it's rant-time.
Why why WHY do people think they ought to have something -- money, services, things, whatever -- simply because they are "entitled" to it?
Entitled how? Says who? I am so totally tired of dealing with the Entitled Generation, those who expect privileges just because they exist.
"I graduated college, so my 1st job should be company president & I should start at a million dollars." Really? "What do you mean, no discount? I'm over 50!" Seriously? "Everybody else my age (10!) has a smartphone, so I have to have one too--right now!" Oh give me a break...
Yeah, yeah, these are very simplified examples but I see it everywhere including my own family. And for those who know Chyna, they know exactly how I react when I hear it -- I laugh myself silly.
People, we all know it's a hard world out there. The economy tanked & "privilege" often means actually having a job with benefits or being able to pay your electric bill or buy food. And yes, we all try to maximize our situation any way we can. But seriously, expecting people to just GIVE whatever because you're you? What makes you that special?
At least Tribe-world makes more sense. "Entitled" means something totally different. Zoot was "entitled" to whatever he wanted because you knew he'd kick your ass if you said no. Right? In our game-world, you get what you get because of who & what you are, not just because you're breathing. (Well, yeah, Villa gets what she gets because you know she would kick your ass, too. That's just Villa. And she totally made me say that!)
All right, rant over.
And yes, I do feel better. Thanks!
photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"
Why why WHY do people think they ought to have something -- money, services, things, whatever -- simply because they are "entitled" to it?
Entitled how? Says who? I am so totally tired of dealing with the Entitled Generation, those who expect privileges just because they exist.
"I graduated college, so my 1st job should be company president & I should start at a million dollars." Really? "What do you mean, no discount? I'm over 50!" Seriously? "Everybody else my age (10!) has a smartphone, so I have to have one too--right now!" Oh give me a break...
Yeah, yeah, these are very simplified examples but I see it everywhere including my own family. And for those who know Chyna, they know exactly how I react when I hear it -- I laugh myself silly.
People, we all know it's a hard world out there. The economy tanked & "privilege" often means actually having a job with benefits or being able to pay your electric bill or buy food. And yes, we all try to maximize our situation any way we can. But seriously, expecting people to just GIVE whatever because you're you? What makes you that special?
At least Tribe-world makes more sense. "Entitled" means something totally different. Zoot was "entitled" to whatever he wanted because you knew he'd kick your ass if you said no. Right? In our game-world, you get what you get because of who & what you are, not just because you're breathing. (Well, yeah, Villa gets what she gets because you know she would kick your ass, too. That's just Villa. And she totally made me say that!)
All right, rant over.
And yes, I do feel better. Thanks!
photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"
Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Tribe Resurrection: The Vamps
Lest we lose sight of our original premise, it seems this season in KTDARPG our players are working hard to make sure "tribes" remain an aspect & a focus of our game-play. Jenna (aka "Jet") went so far as to resurrect a tribe that was decimated in the game many seasons ago. If her post-work is any indication, we think we'll be seeing a lot of the Vamps this season.
Bravo, "Jet" and "Tyla"!
Un-Stuck [Post #38570, 2/17/14]
Jet stood up in the ring, watching them. When the last of the crowd had gone. Jet was left with her guards, bartenders, waiters and cleaners. "Everyone, gather round. Tyla, come up here with me."
Tyla cautiously climbed onto the ring and slipped underneath the ropes. She wasn't the only girl there, but she was the youngest. A few of the barmaids giggled until Jet frowned at them.
Jet: "Tyla, tell these people what you know about tribes."
Tyla's mind went into overdrive. "Oh, right, umm ... tribes are a group of people that come and live together. They all like ... uh ... protect each other? They were made so people could pool resources and stay alive."
Jet: "Stay alive. And more than ssstay alive. Thrive. Grow ssstrong. Be the bessst. I was there once, and I will be again. Tonight I'm bringing back the Vamp Tribe. This one ..." puts a hand on Tyla's shoulder "... is the first member of my new tribe. Who is next?"
There were more uncomfortable laughs and giggles, and people looking at Tyla. No one stepped up. Jet didn't move. Her hand on Tyla's shoulder was a grip that tightened. Tyla didn't notice the laughs; she was too busy thinking. To become strong, the best. If she became that ... a small smile edged onto her face. No one would ever dare to laugh at her again.
Waitress: "That girl is pathetic. She'll run first chance she gets."
Jet heard every word, and she knew who said what. Slowly she pulled a stiletto from her boot. "Tyla, give me your right hand."
Tyla had learnt that when Jet told you to do some thing, don't question it. She gave Jet her right hand. (Jet won't hurt me, I know she won't. Not bad any way.) She opened her eyes and nodded, confident.
Jet held Tyla's hand tightly and spoke very low, for Tyla alone. "Brace yourself. Do not flinch. Do not cry out."
Tyla drew in a big deep breath and stared at her wrist. She forced herself to relax her muscles, put on a show -- otherwise she'd make Jet angry. An angry Jet was far worse than any pain she'd encounter otherwise.
Jet raised Tyla's hand so the others could see. She moved her grasp so she was holding Tyla's first and second fingers slightly apart. The stiletto was razor-sharp. Quickly she slid the knife-tip in a V-shape, from one finger down to the base and then up the other. When she held Tyla's hand forward now it was up showing a V-sign with blood slightly dripping down to her hand.
Jet: "V. For Vampsss." She held up her own hand to show the same sign then turned Tyla loose. "Only Vamps. So? Are you going to let one little girl put you all to ssshame? Do you have her guts? Join the Vamps or get out now."
First one, then another joined Jet in the ring. Tyla finally let herself look at her own hand. It had begun to sting and she winced at the feeling of the loose skin rubbing together. Blood had stained her jeans. She covered it with one hand, sticking close to Jet as other people came forward to join.
Jet nodded and marked each one as they came up. YES! It felt good and right -- finally making a move. THIS move! It took 2 hours and when it was done, Jet stood looking at the people around her with a calculating gleam in her eyes.
"I will never know who ssset up my tribe and took them out, but I ssswear it will NOT happen again. The Vamps will be stronger than ever. Stronger, smarter -- Bandage your hands. Open the doors. Let the people back in. Watch each one. I will give anyone a bounty of 20 coins for each new recruit you bring to the Vamps." She lifted one eyebrow at the silent tribe around her. "Any questions?"
photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"
Bravo, "Jet" and "Tyla"!
Un-Stuck [Post #38570, 2/17/14]
Jet stood up in the ring, watching them. When the last of the crowd had gone. Jet was left with her guards, bartenders, waiters and cleaners. "Everyone, gather round. Tyla, come up here with me."
Tyla cautiously climbed onto the ring and slipped underneath the ropes. She wasn't the only girl there, but she was the youngest. A few of the barmaids giggled until Jet frowned at them.
Jet: "Tyla, tell these people what you know about tribes."
Tyla's mind went into overdrive. "Oh, right, umm ... tribes are a group of people that come and live together. They all like ... uh ... protect each other? They were made so people could pool resources and stay alive."
Jet: "Stay alive. And more than ssstay alive. Thrive. Grow ssstrong. Be the bessst. I was there once, and I will be again. Tonight I'm bringing back the Vamp Tribe. This one ..." puts a hand on Tyla's shoulder "... is the first member of my new tribe. Who is next?"
There were more uncomfortable laughs and giggles, and people looking at Tyla. No one stepped up. Jet didn't move. Her hand on Tyla's shoulder was a grip that tightened. Tyla didn't notice the laughs; she was too busy thinking. To become strong, the best. If she became that ... a small smile edged onto her face. No one would ever dare to laugh at her again.
Waitress: "That girl is pathetic. She'll run first chance she gets."
Jet heard every word, and she knew who said what. Slowly she pulled a stiletto from her boot. "Tyla, give me your right hand."
Tyla had learnt that when Jet told you to do some thing, don't question it. She gave Jet her right hand. (Jet won't hurt me, I know she won't. Not bad any way.) She opened her eyes and nodded, confident.
Jet held Tyla's hand tightly and spoke very low, for Tyla alone. "Brace yourself. Do not flinch. Do not cry out."
Tyla drew in a big deep breath and stared at her wrist. She forced herself to relax her muscles, put on a show -- otherwise she'd make Jet angry. An angry Jet was far worse than any pain she'd encounter otherwise.
Jet raised Tyla's hand so the others could see. She moved her grasp so she was holding Tyla's first and second fingers slightly apart. The stiletto was razor-sharp. Quickly she slid the knife-tip in a V-shape, from one finger down to the base and then up the other. When she held Tyla's hand forward now it was up showing a V-sign with blood slightly dripping down to her hand.
Jet: "V. For Vampsss." She held up her own hand to show the same sign then turned Tyla loose. "Only Vamps. So? Are you going to let one little girl put you all to ssshame? Do you have her guts? Join the Vamps or get out now."
First one, then another joined Jet in the ring. Tyla finally let herself look at her own hand. It had begun to sting and she winced at the feeling of the loose skin rubbing together. Blood had stained her jeans. She covered it with one hand, sticking close to Jet as other people came forward to join.
Jet nodded and marked each one as they came up. YES! It felt good and right -- finally making a move. THIS move! It took 2 hours and when it was done, Jet stood looking at the people around her with a calculating gleam in her eyes.
"I will never know who ssset up my tribe and took them out, but I ssswear it will NOT happen again. The Vamps will be stronger than ever. Stronger, smarter -- Bandage your hands. Open the doors. Let the people back in. Watch each one. I will give anyone a bounty of 20 coins for each new recruit you bring to the Vamps." She lifted one eyebrow at the silent tribe around her. "Any questions?"
photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"
Monday, February 10, 2014
KTDARPG -- Game Highlights, Feb. 9, 2014
Highlights from recent events in our game.
Morning is here, and everyone in the city is poised for ... something ... whatever comes next. Newcomers are trying to get their bearings; city kids are scrambling for anything they can find. Hopefully they'll go to Arianna or Krystal and become part of the solution.
Sage, new to the city, is working with Jazzy to learn what he can about Fort River.
Krystal has headed back to her tribe, the River Rats, which has a new leader. His name is Boone, and he's told his tribe they need to be part of the team too -- to give where & how & when they can, whether or not they're in the lead.
At the Fight Club, both Jet and Tyla are struggling with internal battles. But there's a glimmer in Jet's eyes ... in an amazing move, she's cleared the Fight Club. Apparently she's decided to resurrect the Vamps from their tribal ashes -- and Tyla is Vamp #2.
In Dark Cove. Clay and his Pirates tribe seem to want Jade & Gunn to hang around. They're being very helpful ... aren't they? However, Blue-Robin does NOT seem to like the direction Clay's attention has gone -- and she's raising quite a stink about it.
Winter is just beginning. Be sure & get your most recent copy of the city newspaper "Fort River Today"!
Stay tribal!
Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"
Morning is here, and everyone in the city is poised for ... something ... whatever comes next. Newcomers are trying to get their bearings; city kids are scrambling for anything they can find. Hopefully they'll go to Arianna or Krystal and become part of the solution.
Sage, new to the city, is working with Jazzy to learn what he can about Fort River.
Krystal has headed back to her tribe, the River Rats, which has a new leader. His name is Boone, and he's told his tribe they need to be part of the team too -- to give where & how & when they can, whether or not they're in the lead.
At the Fight Club, both Jet and Tyla are struggling with internal battles. But there's a glimmer in Jet's eyes ... in an amazing move, she's cleared the Fight Club. Apparently she's decided to resurrect the Vamps from their tribal ashes -- and Tyla is Vamp #2.
In Dark Cove. Clay and his Pirates tribe seem to want Jade & Gunn to hang around. They're being very helpful ... aren't they? However, Blue-Robin does NOT seem to like the direction Clay's attention has gone -- and she's raising quite a stink about it.
Winter is just beginning. Be sure & get your most recent copy of the city newspaper "Fort River Today"!
Stay tribal!
Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"
Wednesday, January 08, 2014
This was my horoscope for today:
photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"
"If it isn't strange, then it can't be beautiful."
photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"
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