Hmm ... Sure, we saw masks, mostly on Lex when he was hiding. Remember the puppet show? Or when he was tossed in the zoo compound wearing a sombrero & paste-on moustache? Yeah, it was silly. But he was hiding, and he chose to mask himself to do it.
The others though, what were their masks? Makeup. Tattoos. Costumes. Wildly colorful hair. All these were pretty much standard-issue in the post-Virus world.
Were they hiding though? Hmm ... maybe. Hiding from harsh reality even while they dealt with it day by day. Hiding their secret, scared, little-boy or little-girl selves deep because that was the only way they had left to protect themselves.
In KTDA, we're getting ready for a massive city-wide fall party. The Powers That Be decided it would be a masquerade. Masks are required, and the rest of the party is free to all comers.
Masks are required.
That says a lot, right there.