Ok, so my birthday makes me nostalgic & moody.
Sue me.
It didn't seem like our Tribe friends had that problem. They were focused on the day-to-day, surviving. Only 1 core character actually faced getting old, and it was a horror. That was Lex; he caught the Virus & was aging toward death pretty fast. Of course, he had a cure.
A cure for getting old? Nah, I won't wish for it. I'm not going to regret the quantity of years I've lived or the number I may have left.
Getting old means living your life, loving your family, having friends & experiencing what the world has to offer.
In a lot of ways, that's what The Tribe was about - the right to live. To love your family 'n friends. To experience your world & grow & find your own path to being happy.
How can you argue with that?
As someone (probably famous who I can't remember) once said, it's not about the destination. It's about the journey.
Birthdays are about celebrating the journey.
*hugs* to everyone who sent good wishes my way, who ate cake with a salute to me, who gave me a card or presents.
You are the ones who make my journey worthwhile.
Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"