What if the writers or producers or whoever had NOT killed off Zoot early in Season-1 of "The Tribe"? How fundamentally would that have changed the shape of Tribeworld?
If Zoot hadn't died...if he and Trudy had got back together and made a family...well, there would have been no Chosen, no Supreme Mother, no kids taken away to who knew where. Carry that a bit farther and you have Dal wouldn't have died, Patsy wouldn't have disappeared, or Ryan.
So much bad would have been avoided. Wouldn't it?
Hm...that also means it would've been Zoot ruling the city when the Technos showed up. Somehow I don't think they'd have had as easy a time trying to take over. That would have been something to see!
Anyway, what-ifs are fun. What if Zandra had lived? What if Lex & Ebony had hooked up? What if Amber had stayed with the Ecos and Pride?
Consider the possibilities.
Photo source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"