Calm before the storm.Christmas Eve.Cliffhangers.The 8th month.Episode 2.
Yeah...things that make you wait. Patience may be a virtue but it's a damn uncomfortable one. It feels like life is one big set-up to make you wait whether you're a patient person or not. Even games do it to you.
A country-wide drought, the damming of StormRiver, accusations of tribe-genocide, Jet's training and her lust for vengeance, the latest Death Seeker plot, Ace's relationship with Blackrose, the storytelling marathon between the Teller & the Bard, Johnny's return and how Maggie reacts, the next rock-star show, the truth about The 100 -- KTDA has so many plot spins & twists coming & we have to WAIT!
Ok, Ok ... no worries.What we're waiting on is totally worth it. Yeah, I'll admit "anticipation" tends to add to satisfaction when you finally get delivery. What we're waiting on is real-life. Our game players have lives & obligations & other interests, especially this time of year. We spent all spring building up to the good stuff. Now it's just a matter of waiting on delivery.So ... we wait.
-ChynaPhoto source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"
You know them well, those throw-away characters who show up for a few episodes or a season and then...vanish!
"The Tribe" was filled with them. There was a whole city affected by the Virus, not just a handful of primary characters. Here are a few of my favorites.Sasha was the first. He came out of nowhere and landed first with slavers, then with Amber. Believe me, that stirred up a whole lotta crap...especially a very jealous Bray. But Sasha also showed Amber that she had choices and alternatives in her life, even when she didn't think so. Ultimately he asked her to leave with him. She made a choice, and she made it for the right reasons. Then Sasha was gone. Purpose served.
Next there was Spike. Spike was a Loco, one of Zoot's lieutenants then one of Ebony's after Zoot died. He challenged her for the tribe, chased her out, captured & tortured her and was just nasty in general. But he was a catalyst for Ebony's growing relationship with the Mall Rats. His ultimate death was blamed on Ebony when the Guardian was setting her up to discredit her.
Tribe Season-3 got harsh. Amber was kidnapped and Bray was helpless to find her. The stress got so bad, he abandoned the Mall Rats and went walkabout. When the Horse Traders found Bray beat up and passed out in a ditch, they took him with them and Moon took very good care of him. What Moon did was give him back his sense of purpose. She offered him options--asked him to leave the city and stay with her--& he realized where his responsibilities and his heart really lived. Moon and her people went on with Pony Joe and were never seen again.
Then there was Mouse. Salene found Mouse when she came back to the city after searching for Ryan (whom she never found). Sal took Mouse to the Mall and from there everything fell into place. Mouse was a kid, and we saw things develop through her eyes. It was a great perspective. Finally Mouse knew the city was just too big & scary a place for her. Salene took Mouse back to the Eco-Tribe so that she could live in fresh air and sunshine and grow up in a good place.There were lots of bit-players in "The Tribe." They each had their brief appearance...but their impact was very real. It's fun to remember them, who they were and what they did. I know that Spike died but we don't know what happened to the others.I hope they lived long lives in Tribeworld.-ChynaPhoto source: copyright Cloud-9 "The Tribe"